Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: Space Battleship Yamato,Space Invader,Spirited away,Sprite,Square,Squirtle,Star of Giants,Starter Pack,Street Fighter,Studio Ghibli

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Space Battleship Yamato

alternative words: Uchu senkan Yamato
keywords: anime, manga, title
related topics: Leiji Matsumoto
related web sites: ,
explanation: Manga and anime created by Leiji Matsumoto. It tells the story about earthlings who defend their planet with a huge space battleship "Yamato", after having suffered a brutal attack of extraterrestrials. Manga has been published in a monthly, Boken-oh between November 1974 and April 1975, at the same time as a TV series by TV Asahi between October 1974 and March 1975. In the presence of a huge hit, other series and a movie version have been created.

Space Invader

keywords: game, title
related topics: Taito , Family Computer
explanation: At the beginning, most of the video games for the home usage were merely an adaptation of popular arcade games. "Space Invader" developed and adapted to "Family Computer" by Taito falls into this category. The game consists to shoot the invaders who are falling from the top screen. In some period, this game was visible everywhere in Japan, like game centers and coffee shops. Though it seems very simple nowadays, it is considered as the ancestor of all the shooting games which would follow.

Spirited away

alternative words: Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi
keywords: anime
related topics: Hayao Miyazaki
related web sites: ,
explanation: Japanese anime of Hayao Miyazaki, released in Japan in 2001. The heroine of a 10 years old girl, Chihiro, entered accidentally into an mysterious world populated with strange characters, during a house-moving with parents. There, she had to work hard inside a huge bathhouse, Aburaya, managed by an old woman, Yubaba and changing her name to Sen. Finally she successfully escaped from this world thanks to the aid of a beautiful boy, Haku. The film got an Oscar prize in 2003 as the best animated film.


keywords: general, machine
explanation: Technique which consists to generate image of a small icon thanks to a special electronic circuit without passing through the cpu. At the early period of console devices, the technique had a limited capacity. For example, "family Computer" of Nintendo displayed only 5 sprites and bothered considerably the game players.


alternative words: Square Soft, Squaresoft
keywords: company, game
related topics: Final Fantasy , Legend of Mana
related web sites:
explanation: Publisher of video games founded in September 1986. It is well known to be the publisher of the most popular video game, "Final Fantasy" (RPG).


alternative words: Zenigama
keywords: character, pokemon
related topics: Pokemon
explanation: One of pocket monsters and looks like a turtle. He protects himself by retracting the head and legs inside the shell. His weapon is a powerful water jet. His name comes from a composite word, "zeni" which means "coin" and "kame" which means "turtle". His pokemon number is 7.

Star of Giants

alternative words: Kyojin no hoshi, Kyojinnohoshi
keywords: anime, manga, title
related topics: Shonen Magazine , Noboru Kawasaki
related web sites: ,
explanation: One of the classic sport mangas, written by Noboru Kawasaki based on a scenario of Ikki Kajiwara. It tells the story of a father who forms his son with a Spartan training to be accepted by the famous Japanese baseball team, "the Giants". The manga was published on Shonen Magazine in 1966, while an anime version was broadcasted between March 1968 and September 1971 (182 episodes!).

Starter Pack

keywords: goods, pokemon
related topics: Pokemon , Extension Pack
related web sites:
explanation: In order to play with Pokemon cards (Trading Cards), you should purchase first this kit. It includes 60 cards, one coin and an instruction notice. The price is about 1300 yens.

Street Fighter

keywords: game, title
related topics: Capcom
related web sites:
explanation: Video game of beat'em up developed by Capcom and released for "Super Famicom" in June 1992. By the complexity of tactics to follow and choice of characters, it has well settled the interests of this category of games. After a great hit, this game has been adapted also for "Play Station", "Sega Saturn" and arcade.

Studio Ghibli

alternative words: Ghibli
keywords: anime, company
related topics: Hayao Miyazaki
related web sites:
explanation: After a great hit of "Nausicaa of the valley of wind", the famous Japanese producer of catoons, Hayao Miyazaki, founded his own production company "Studio Ghibli" in 1985 with his friend "Isao Takahata" and "Tokuma Shoten" as the backer. All the recent cartoons of Miyazaki have been produced by this company. Ghibli means "hot wind coming from Sahara desert".

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