Online dictionary of France travel and tourism: Beaujolais

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French words: Beaujolais
keywords: bourgogne , tourist resort , wine
related topics: Lyon
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Located northwest of Lyon in south Bourgogne, Beaujolais is a reputed region for its vineyard. Beaujolais wines are divided into 4 categories. Beaujolais: classic Beaujolais wine (3/4 of the production). Beaujolais villages: classic Beaujolais wine but only 38 villages bear this name (1/4 of the production). Crus du Beaujolais: the best Beaujolais vintage and only 10 villages bear this name. Beaujolais nouveau: wine consumed cold in first November without reaching a maturity (1/3 of the first 2 categories).

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