Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Hachinohe city

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Hachinohe city

八戸市 八戸
alternative words: Hachinoheshi city, Hachinoheshi, Hachinohe-shi, Hachinohe shi, Hachinohe
keywords: harbor , tohoku , town
related topics: Aomori Prefecture
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explanation: Located in the east of Aomori prefecture on the Pacific cost, it had developed as a castle town of Nanbu family before they moved to Morioka. In order to overcome an underdevelopment of the region, Hachinohe was chosen in 1962 as "shinsangyo toshi" i.e. "new industry city" promoted by the central government and since then steel, chemical and cement industries have developed. Its population is 240,000. "He" means a barrier to stop Ainu's invasion so Hachinohe means "8th barrier".

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