Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Nagasaki

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Nagasaki City

alternative words: Nagasakishi city, Nagasakishi, Nagasaki shi, Nagasaki-shi, Nagasaki
keywords: harbor , kyushu , town
related topics: Nagasaki Prefecture
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explanation: Town where the office of Nagasaki Prefecture is situated. The population is 0.5 million. Nagasaki had owned the monopoly of commerce with foreign countries from the beginning of 17th to the end of 19th. Though its role of international commerce has diminished, other industries like shipyards, electric and metallurgy has developed. It is also a great base of fishing in East China Sea. On August 9, 1945, an atomic bomb launched by Americans made 150,000 victims.

Nagasaki Prefecture

alternative words: Nagasakiken prefecture, Nagasaki, Nagasakiken, Nagasaki ken
keywords: kyushu , prefecture
related topics: Nagasaki city , Shimabara city , Sasebo city , Tsushima island , Iki island
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explanation: Nagasaki prefecture occupies the north-western part of Kyushu region, facing East China Sea. Its surface is 4,111 km2 and the population 1.6 million. The prefectural office is at Nagasaki City. There exists a coal mine on the northern region but exhausted. Having many islands and good harbors, Nagasaki is a prefecture opened to the outside. It has many shipyards and connected industries like machinery and metallurgy. Fishing is prosperous and its beautiful coastal line is well known.

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