Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Boshin war

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Boshin war

alternative words: Boshin civil war, Boshinsensou, Boshin sensou, Boshinsenso, Boshin senso
keywords: meiji revolution , war
related topics: Bakumatsu , Edo shogunate , Meiji revolution , Tokugawa Yoshinobu , Enomoto Takeaki
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explanation: Small conflicts and political negotiations between pro and anti Edo shogunate were degenerated to a civil war. After a defeat in battle of Toba Fushimi near Kyoto in January 1868, Tokugawa's army led by Yoshinobu withdrew to Tokyo and finally opened the city without resistance. But, unhappy with this sudden capitulation, many individual initiatives appeared in the northern Japan. After a fall of Aizu castle in October then Goryokaku in June 1869, all the resistance stopped.

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