Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Emperor Gotoba

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Emperor Gotoba

後鳥羽天皇 後鳥羽上皇
alternative words: Gotoba tenno, Retired emperor Gotoba, Gotobajoko, Gotoba joko, Gotoba
keywords: emperor , famous person
related topics: Kamakura shogunate , Shin Kokinshu , Genji , Hojoshi , Insei , Jokou
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explanation: Born in 1180, 82th emperor of Japan. After the assassination of Minamoto no Sanetomo, he organized Jokyu rebellion in 1221 to reestablish the lost power of Kyoto's nobility, hoping to catch enough partisans who were unhappy with the dictatorship of Hojo clan. But he lost the battle and forced exile to Oki island and died hopelessly there in 1239. He was very talented in any domain such as poem, music, go, horse riding, swimming. He supervised the edition of Shin Kokinshu.

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