Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Esoteric Buddhism

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Esoteric Buddhism

alternative words: Mikkyo, Mikkyou
keywords: buddhism , religion
related topics: Buddhism , Nyorai , Bosatsu , Heian period , Kukai , Saicho
explanation: Buddhism school initiated in India around 7th century, 2 visiting Buddhist students, Saicho and Kukai, brought it from China at the beginning of Heian period. Associated to mountain faith, it became very popular and entered a conflict with preexistent Buddhism. So Saicho founded Tendai sect at Enryakuji in Mt Hiei while Kukai, Shingon sect at Kongobuji in Mt Koya. Related to Tibetan Buddhism, the doctrine says that every Buddha and Bostatu should be an avatar of Dainichi Nyorai.

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