Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Hagakure

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葉隠 葉隠聞書 葉隠論語 鍋島論語
alternative words: Hagakure kikigaki, Hagakure rongo, Nabeshima rongo, Way of samurai
keywords: book , philosophy
related topics: Edo period , Samurai , Bushido
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explanation: Book written by Tashiro Tsuramoto, a samurai of Saga domain in north Kyushu, from the speech of Yamamoto Tsunetomo, a retired samurai. Containing 11 volumes, it was completed in 1716. It resumes, through 1300 short anecdotes, the daily mental attitude that samurai of Saga should have. The famous expression, "Bushido (samurai's way) is a way of dying" is on this book.

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