Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Saga domain

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Saga domain

佐賀藩 鍋島藩
alternative words: Saga han, Nabeshima domain, Nabeshima han, Nebeshima, Saga
keywords: meiji revolution , state
related topics: Sengoku period , Edo period , Meiji revolution , Hagakure
explanation: Occupying actual Saga prefecture during Edo period, the history of Nabeshima domain is unique. Nabeshima was a vassal of Ryuzoji during Sengoku period. Ryuzoji having no good leaders inside family, they decided to transfer peacefully their feud and appointed Nabeshima as their successor. Due to its vicinity to Nagasaki, they could mater quickly western technology and greatly contributed to Meiji revolution, though they had initially a pure samurai tradition like Hagakure.

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