Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Sakhalin island

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Sakhalin island

樺太 唐太 サハリン 北蝦夷
alternative words: Sakhalin, Saghalian, Sagalian, Karafuto, Karafuto island
keywords: locality , northern territory , russia
related topics: Matsumae domain , Kushunkotan , Shimoda treaty , Saint Petersburg treaty , Portsmouth treaty
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explanation: Sakhalin is a very long (1000 km) but narrow (200 km in its largest extent) island located between Japan and Russian maritime territory. It is separated from the continent by a narrow strait of 6 km width and for that reason, first, westerners thought it should be a peninsula. During Edo period, Matsumae exploited the southern part of Sakhalin with Kushunkotan as its center. The 3 successive treaties, i.e. Shimoda (1855), Saint Petersburg (1875), Portsmouth (1905) changed the ownerships of Sakhalin.

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