Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Satsuma ware

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Satsuma ware

alternative words: Satsumayaki, Satsuma-yaki, Satsuma yaki, Satsuma ceramic, Satsuma
keywords: art , craft , korea , thing
related topics: Invasion of Korea , Satsuma domain
related web sites: ,
explanation: Ceramic originated by Korean potters brought by Shimazu Yoshihiro during Korean campaign of 16th century. Though the original technique has been lost in Korea, their descendants are still perpetuating the technique in southern Kyushu at Inashirogawa and Ryumonji. The most famous ceramic is Kokuyu (Kuro Satsuma i.e. black Satsuma) and Hakuyu (Shiro Satsuma i.e. white Satsuma).

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