Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Soga family

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Soga family

蘇我氏 蘇我
alternative words: Soga clan, Soga shi, Sogashi, Soga
keywords: buddhism , family
related topics: Emperor Ojin , Emperor Nintoku , Yamato dynasty , Mononobe family , Buddhism , Taika reform , Soga no Iruka
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explanation: Soga claimed to stem from Takeuchi no Sukune, prime minister of Emperor Ojin and Nintoku. Since the appointment of Soga no Iname to Oomi, i.e. minister, Soga gradually raised their influence by controlling diplomatic and finance matters of Yamato court, and adhered firmly to Buddhism. With an elimination of their political rival, Mononobe by Umako in 587, Soga became more powerful than Emperor but his son, Iruka was killed during a putsch in 645 and Soga declined.

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