Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Soga no Iruka

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Soga no Iruka

alternative words: Sogano Iruka, Soga Iruka
keywords: famous person , statesman
related topics: Soga family , Taika reform , Asuka period , Prince Shotoku , Emperor Tenchi , Nakatomi no Kamatari
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explanation: Born in Asuka period as a son of Soga no Emishi and grand son of Soga no Umako (birthday unknown). After having inherited a ministerial post from Emishi, he governed the imperial court with more arrogance than his father. In order to put Prince Furuhito to the throne, he assassinated Prince Yamashiro Oe, a son of Prince Shotoku. During the reception of a Korean ambassador at Palace of Asuka Itabuki in 645, he was assassinated by Prince Nakano Oe and Nakatomi no Kamatari.

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