Online dictionary of Iraq war: Basra

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Basra Basra
alternative words: Al Basrah, Basrah, Basara, Busra, Busrah, Bassorah
keywords: town
related topics: Ottoman Empire , Shatt al Arab
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located near Persian Gulf and Iranian border on Shatt al-Arab, Basra is the Iraq's second largest city with the population of 1.4 millions. It was founded by Caliph Omar in 636. In the tales of Thousand and One Nights, Sindbad the sailor began his voyage there. Turkish Ottoman conquered Basra in 1668 and became the theatre of repeated battles against Iranians. During Iran-Iraq war of 1980's, Basra was heavily shelled by Iranians. Surrounded by many petroleum wells, the oil refinery is its main activity.

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