Japanese display
Direct access: , , , ^

category: common usage
other spells:
keyword: asia
Number of strokes: 7
translation: replace, auxiliary, second, Asia (pho.)
: tsugu: succeed, replace <<<
Kanji words: , , ,
Expressions: , т , M ,
related words: AWA

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 8
translation: corner [curve] of mountains (orig.), hill, corner, nook, flatter (bend the principle), fawn
a, o
o: prefix of affection for women or children (jp.)
: kuma: hill, corner, nook <<< G
: omoneru: flatter, fawn
Kanji words: [ , , kC ,
Expressions: , C

category: JIS1
keyword: disease
Number of strokes: 11
translation: dumb
a, aku
: oshi: dumb person, mute
: oshino: dumb (a.)
Kanji words: W , R


category: JIS1
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 12
translation: frog, toad
a, wa
^: kaeru
^: kawazu
^‚: kaeruganaku: croak <<<
^̎q͊^: kaerunokohakaeru: What is born of a cat will catch mice
^̖ʂɐ: kaerunotsuranimizu: It is like pouring water over a duck's back
Kanji words: J^
Expressions: al^

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