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category: to learn in school
keyword: travel
Number of strokes: 10
translation: journey, travel, trip, voyage
ryo, ro
旅: tabi
旅をする: tabiosuru: travel (v.), make a journey, go on a journey [trip], make a tour [trip]
旅に出る: tabinideru: start [go] on a journey <<<
旅立つ: tabidatsu <<<
旅の空で: tabinosorade: away from home, in a strange land <<<
Kanji words: 旅人 , 旅館 , 旅券 , 旅立ち , 旅行 , 旅先 , 旅客 , 旅団 , 旅情
Expressions: 旅は道連れ世は情け , 汽車の旅 , 旅支度 , 旅支度する , 旅の伴侶 , 快適な旅 , 旅の読物

category: to learn in school
keyword: road
Number of strokes: 13
translation: way, street, road
路: ji
路: michi
Kanji words: 姫路 , 岐路 , 線路 , 経路 , 路地 , 回路 , 末路 , 路面 , 航路 , 波路 , 道路 , 針路 , 路上 , 通路 , 水路 , 小路 , 路線
Expressions: 放水路 , 迂回路 , 補給路 , 航空路 , 滑走路 , 直航路 , 競走路 , 十字路 , 供給路 , 交通路

category: common usage
keyword: house
Number of strokes: 8
translation: hearth, fireplace, furnace
炉: irori: hearth, fireplace <<< 囲炉裏
Kanji words: 香炉 , 囲炉裏 , 暖炉 , 懐炉 , 焜炉 , 炉心
Expressions: 重水炉 , 反射炉 , 火葬炉 , 熔解炉 , 太陽炉 , 均質炉 , 原子炉 , 転換炉 , ウラン原子炉 , コークス炉

category: common usage
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 13
translation: prisoner, captive, slave
ryo, ro
虜: toriko: prisoner, captive, slave
虜に成る: torikoninaru: be taken prisoner, be enslaved, fall a prey (to) <<<
虜にする: torikonisuru: capture, take (a person) prisoner, enslave, captivate
Expressions: 情欲の虜

category: common usage
keyword: weather
Number of strokes: 20
translation: dew, appear (ext.), Russia (suff.)
ro, rou
露: tsuyu: dew, little (jp.), few
露が降りる: tsuyugaoriru: It dews, dew falls <<<
露が降りた: tsuyugaorita: dewy, moist with dew <<<
露を帯びた: tsuyuoobita <<<
露程も: tsuyuhodomo: (not) in the least, (not) in the slightest degree <<<
露知らず: tsuyushirazu: without knowing at all <<<
露われる: arawareru: appear, be disclosed, be revealed <<< ,
露わに: arawani: openly, publicly, frankly, candidly
Kanji words: 暴露 , 露出 , 雨露 , 披露 , 朝露 , 露店 , 甘露 , 露草
related words: ロシア

category: JIS1
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 7
translation: backbone, long, an ancient Chinese kingdom
ryo, ro
呂: sebone: backbone, spine, spinal column <<< 背骨
呂い: nagai: long <<< ,
Kanji words: 風呂 , 呂律 , 語呂

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 15
translation: stupid, foolish, silly, dull, dim
魯かな: orokana: stupid, foolish, silly <<<
魯い: nibui: dull, dim <<<

category: JIS1
keyword: ship , construction
Number of strokes: 19
translation: big shield, oar, scull
櫓: ro: oar, scull (n.) <<< オール
櫓を操る: rooayatsuru: work at the oar, pull an oar, scull (v.) <<<
櫓で漕ぐ: rodekogu <<<
櫓: oodate: big shield
櫓: yagura: tower (jp.), turret, scaffold <<< , タワー
櫓を組む: yaguraokumu: set up a scaffold <<<
Expressions: 物見櫓

category: JIS1
keyword: bird
Number of strokes: 24
translation: snowy heron
鷺: sagi
Kanji words: 白鷺

category: JIS2
keyword: ship
Number of strokes: 22
translation: stern, bow, prow
艫: tomo: stern <<< 船尾
艫: hesaki: bow, prow <<< 船首
艫の方に: tomonohouni: astern <<<
Kanji words: 艫綱

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