Japanese display

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 12
translation: cut, cease, extinct, very (ext.)
zetsu, setsu
絶つ: tatsu: cut off, sever, switch off, give up, leave off, abstain from, break off with (a person), take a person's life, kill <<<
絶える: taeru: become extinct, cease
絶えず: taezu: continuously, ceaselessly, incessantly, always, perpetually
絶えざる: taezaru: ceaseless, incessant, constant, perpetual, standing <<< 永久
絶やす: tayasu: eradicate, exterminate
絶だ: hanahada: very, excessively
Kanji words: 絶望 , 絶命 , 中絶 , 絶滅 , 絶体絶命 , 根絶 , 断絶 , 絶叫 , 絶世 , 絶妙 , 気絶 , 絶句 , 絶頂 , 絶対 , 絶版 , 拒絶
Expressions: 交わりを絶つ , 死に絶える , 根を絶つ , 絶好調 , 外交を絶つ , 連絡を絶つ , 交際を絶つ , 関係を絶つ , 苦労の絶えない , 言語に絶する

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