Japanese display


category: to learn in school
keyword: shop
Number of strokes: 8
translation: shop, store, stall, booth
X: mise
XJ: miseohiraku: open a shop, start [set up] a business <<< J , JX
X‚߂: miseoshimeru: close the store [shop], shut [close] up store [shop], wind up business <<< , “X
X‚: miseotojiru <<<
X𒣂: miseoharu: keep s store [shop] <<<
X: tana: shelf, house for rent (jp.) <<< I
Kanji words: X , X , X , X , IX , X , X , X , X , SݓX , xX , “X , JX , {X , X
Expressions: AX , mHX , 򑐓X , ߋX , HX , 񑗓X , ƋX , ֓X , iX , X , [X , ^X , X , X , X , َqX , X , yX , Ö{X , ΓX , ƐœX , t̓X , X , X̎l , oX , Xd , ̓X , mٓX , BX , GݓX , HiX , eCX , ̔X , X , ͋[X , ؗX , X , 㗝X , KX , N[jOX , uLX , `F[X , R[q[X , X|[cpiX , p`RX
synonyms: Vbv

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