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pronunciation: kankatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: administration
translation: jurisdiction, control
NJ: kankatsuno: under the jurisdiction of
NJɑ: kankatsunizokusuru: fall under the jurisdiction of <<<
NJ: kankatsusuru: exercise jurisdiction [control] (over)
NJ: kankatsunaino: within the jurisdiction (of) <<<
NJO: kankatsugaino: outside the jurisdiction (of) <<< O
NJ: kankatsuarasoi: jurisdiction dispute <<<
NJ: kankatsuken: jurisdiction <<<
NJ: kankatsukuiki: district [sphere] of jurisdiction <<<
NJ: kankatsukanchou: competent authorities <<<
NJٔ: kankatsusaibansho: competent court <<< ٔ

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