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pronunciation: gijutsu
kanji characters: Z , p
keyword: technology
translation: technique, technology, skill
Zp: gijutsuno: technical, technological
ZpI: gijutsuteki <<< I
ZpI: gijutsutekini: technically
ZpIɍ: gijutsutekinikonnnan: technically difficult <<<
Zp: gijutsusha: technician, engineer <<< , Zt
Zp: gijutsuenjo: technical aid [assistance] <<<
Zp: gijutsukyouryoku: technical corporation <<<
Zpg: gijutsuteikei <<< g
ZpvV: gijutsukakushin: technical renovation <<< vV
ZpJ: gijutsukaihatsu: technological development <<< J
Zpړ]: gijutsuiten: technology transfer <<< ړ]
Zpi: gijutsukakusa: disparity in technology <<< i
ȊwZp: kagakugijutsu: science and technology <<< Ȋw
[Zp: sentangijutsu: high-tech, high technology <<< [
^]Zp: untengijutsu: driving skill <<< ^]
TCNZp: risaikurugijutsu: recycling technology <<< TCN
PbgZp: rokettogijutsu: rocketry <<< Pbg
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