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pronunciation: sakusen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: (military) operations, strategy, tactics
ς: sakusennokaeru: change one's tactics <<<
펺: sakusenshitsu: operation room <<<
n: sakusenchi: field of operations <<< n
n: sakusenchiiki <<< n
v: sakusenkeikaku: plan of operations <<< v
c: sakusenkaigi: council of war <<< c
A: rengousakusen: combined operations <<< A
: kenseisakusen: diversionary tactics <<<
㗤: jourikusakusen: landing operation <<<
Z: shintousakusen: infiltration operations <<< Z
͍: houisakusen: encircling operation <<<
Q: gerirasakusen: guerrilla operation <<< Q
[[: rooraasakusen: house-to-house search <<< [[

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