Japanese display


pronunciation: shimai
kanji characters: o ,
keyword: family
translation: sisters
o̗l: shimainoyouna: sisterly <<< l
o: shimaikan: sister ship <<<
oD: shimaisen <<< D
oZ: shimaikou: sister school <<< Z
o: shimaihen: companion volume <<<
o: shimaigaisha: sister [affiliated] company <<<
oss: shimaitoshi: sister city <<< ss
Oo: sanshimai: three sisters (a Japanese TV drama) <<< O
]o: itoko: cousin (female) <<< ]
\o: juushimatsu: Bengalese finch, society finch <<< \
oq̎o: hutagonoshimai: twin sisters <<< oq
`̎o: girinoshimai: sister-in-law, stepsister <<< `
related words: Z

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