Japanese display


pronunciation: shounin, akindo
kanji characters: , l
keyword: job , business
translation: merchant, dealer, trader, tradesman
l: shouninnno: mercantile, mercenary
l: shouninkonjou: tradesman's [mercenary] spirit <<<
l: shounindoutoku: tradesman's morality <<<
̏l: shinoshounin: merchant of death, weapon trader <<<
zꏤl: doreishounin: slave trader <<< z
򑐏l: yakusoushounin: herbalist <<<
ߍ]l: oumishounin: merchants from Omi region <<< ߍ]
l: akutokushounin: wicked [dishonest] traders [dealers] <<<
IXl: rotenshounin: stallkeeper, street vendor <<< IX
V̏l: tenseinoshounin: born merchant <<< V
̏l: ennnichinoshounin: stallkeeper at a fair <<<
rяl: youmoushounin: wool merchant <<< r
Xl: gaitoushounin: street trader [vendor] <<< X
ԏl: chuukanshounin: middleman, broker <<<
xjX̏l: benisunoshounin: The Merchant of Venice (play of William Shakespeare, 1596-1598) <<< xjX

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