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pronunciation: sekken
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ΂, ZbP
keyword: hygiene
translation: soap (n.)
ΌŐ: sekkendearau: soap (v.), wash with soap <<<
Ό: sekkennire: soap case <<<
Όh: sekkennonuru: lather (v.) <<< h
ΌA: sekkennawa: soap bubbles <<< A
Ό̖A: sekkennnoawa
Ό: sekkenjou: saponaceous <<<
Ό: sekkensui: soapy water <<<
Ό: konasekken: soap powder <<<
Ό: sentakusekken: washing soap <<<
pΌ: yakuyousekken: medicated soap <<< p
Ό: hunmatsusekken: soap powder <<<
\[_Ό: soodasekken: soda soap <<< \[_
}ZCΌ: maruseiyusekken: Marseille soap <<< }ZC
related words: , V{ , Vv[

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