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pronunciation: soshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: suit, lawsuit, action
訴訟に勝つ: soshounikatsu: win a suit <<<
訴訟に負ける: soshounimakeru: lose a suit <<<
訴訟を起こす: soshouookosu: go to law (against a person), sue a person (for damages), bring an action (against a person) <<<
訴訟上の: soshoujouno: procedural <<<
訴訟人: soshounin: plaintiff, suitor <<<
訴訟法: soshouhou: code of legal procedure <<<
訴訟沙汰にする: soshouzatanisuru: go to law (against a person) <<< 沙汰
訴訟行為: soshoukoui: acts of procedure <<< 行為
訴訟費用: soshouhiyou: costs of an action <<< 費用
訴訟事件: soshoujiken: legal case, lawsuit <<< 事件
訴訟手続: soshoutetsuZuki: legal proceedings (against a person) <<< 手続
訴訟手続をする: soshoutetsuZukiosuru: take legal proceedings (against a person)
訴訟代理人: soshoudairinin: counsel, attorney
訴訟依頼人: soshouirainin: client
訴訟当事者: soshoutoujisha: parties (to a lawsuit), litigants <<< 当事者
刑事訴訟: keijisoshou: criminal action [suit] <<< 刑事
行政訴訟: gyouseisoshou: administrative litigation <<< 行政
離婚訴訟: rikonsoshou: suit for divorce <<< 離婚
related words: 起訴 , 裁判

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