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pronunciation: inaka
kanji characters: “c , ŽÉ
keyword: geography
translation: countryside, country (n.), province, one's home, birthplace
“cŽÉ‚Ě: inakano: rural, rustic, country (a.)
“cŽÉ‚ɍs‚­: inakaniiku: go to the country <<< s
“cŽÉ‚ɏZ‚Ţ: inakanisumu: live in the country <<< Z
“cŽÉZ‚Ü‚˘: inakazumai: country [rural] life
“cŽÉˆç‚ż‚Ě: inakasodachino: country-bred <<< ˆç
“cŽÉL‚˘: inakakusai: boorish, rustic (a.) <<< L
“cŽÉ•—: inakahuu: country-like, rustic (a.), bucolic <<< •—
“cŽÉ“š: inakamichi: country road <<< “š
“cŽÉ•Ů: inakaben: provincial dialect, provincialism <<< •Ů
“cŽÉća: inakanamari <<< ća
“cŽÉŒž—t: inakakotoba <<< Œž—t
“cŽÉŽŇ: inakamono: countryman, rustic (n.), hoosier, hillbilly <<< ŽŇ
“cŽÉ–ş: inakamusume: country girl <<< –ş
“cŽÉ—ż—: inakaryouri: dish cooked in country fashion <<< —ż—
“cŽÉŽĹ‹: inakashibai: country theater <<< ŽĹ‹
related words: ’n•ű , “c‰€ , ŒĚ‹˝

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