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pronunciation: bungaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: literature
translation: literature, letters
文学の: bungakuno: literary
文学上の: bungakujouno <<<
文学的: bungakuteki <<<
文学的に: bungakutekini: in literary terms
文学を志す: bungakuokokorozasu: aspire to be a writer <<<
文学界: bungakukai: literary world [circles] <<<
文学史: bungakushi: history of literature <<<
文学史家: bungakushika: historian of literature <<<
文学者: bungakusha: man of letters, literary man <<<
文学賞: bungakushou: literary prize [award] <<<
文学部: bungakubu: faculty of literature <<<
文学博士: bungakuhakushi: Doctor of Literature <<< 博士
文学作品: bungakusakuhin: literary work <<< 作品
文学趣味: bungakushumi: literary taste <<< 趣味
文学青年: bungakuseinen: literary-minded youth <<< 青年
農民文学: nouminbungaku: peasant literature <<< 農民
日記文学: nikkibungaku: diaries (as a branch of literature) <<< 日記
古典文学: kotenbungaku: classical [classic] literature <<< 古典
好色文学: koushokubungaku: erotic [pornographic] literature <<< 好色
啓蒙文学: keimoubungaku: Enlightenment literature <<< 啓蒙
猥褻文学: waisetsubungaku: pornography <<< 猥褻
伝承文学: denshoubungaku: oral literature <<< 伝承
比較文学: hikakubungaku: comparative literature <<< 比較
田園文学: dennenbungaku: pastoral literature <<< 田園
古代文学: kodaibungaku: ancient literature <<< 古代
現代文学: gendaibungaku: current literature <<< 現代
大衆文学: taishuubungaku: popular [lowbrow] literature <<< 大衆
記録文学: kirokubungaku: documentary literature <<< 記録
児童文学: jidoubungaku: juvenile literature <<< 児童

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