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pronunciation: hoshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: warranty, guarantee (n.), security, assurance, endorsement
保証する: hoshousuru: guarantee (v.), endorse, vouch
保証付きの: hoshoutsukino: guaranteed, warranted <<<
保証金: hoshoukin: deposit <<<
保証書: hoshousho: certification, written guarantee <<<
保証人: hoshounin: guarantee (person), guarantor <<<
保証人に成る: hoshouninnninaru: stand surety for <<<
保証人を立てる: hoshouninnotateru: find surety for <<<
保証債務: hoshousaimu: suretyship obligations <<< 債務
保証債権: hoshousaiken: guaranteed bond <<< 債権
保証契約: hoshoukeiyaku: contract of suretyship <<< 契約
連帯保証: rentaihoshou: cosignatory act, joint guarantee <<< 連帯
身元保証: mimotohoshou: reference, certificate of good character <<< 身元
品質保証: hinshitsuhoshou: guarantee of quality <<< 品質
人物を保証する: jinbutsuohoshousuru: answer for a person's character <<< 人物

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