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pronunciation: ringo
kanji characters:
other spells: S
keyword: fruit
translation: apple
ь̖: ringonoki: apple tree <<<
ь̔: ringonokawa: apple peel <<<
ь̎: ringonotane: appleseed, apple pip <<<
ь̉: ringonohana: flower of apple tree <<<
ь: ringoshu: cider <<<
ь|: ringosu: cider vinegar <<< |
ь_: ringosan: malic acid <<< _
ь牀: ringoen: apple orchard <<<
ьP[L: ringokeeki: apple pie, apfelstrudel <<< P[L
ьpC: ringopai <<< pC
ь\[_: ringosooda: apple spritzer <<< \[_
ėь: yakiringo: baked apple <<<
synonyms: Abv

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