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category: common usage
keyword: medicine
Number of strokes: 9
translation: conceive, pregnant, impregnate
胎む: haramu: conceive, be [become] pregnant <<<
Kanji words: 胎盤 , 胎生 , 堕胎 , 胎児

category: common usage
keyword: medicine
Number of strokes: 10
translation: become pregnant, conceive, impregnate
娠む: haramu: conceive, be [become] pregnant <<<
娠もる: migomoru: become pregnant, impregnate
Kanji words: 妊娠

category: common usage
keyword: medicine
Number of strokes: 12
translation: examine, look, control, divine, diagnose
診る: miru: examine (v.), look at, control, probe
診う: uranau: predict, divine, diagnose <<<
Kanji words: 聴診 , 回診 , 内診 , 往診 , 診察 , 診断 , 診療 , 打診
Expressions: 脈を診る

category: common usage
keyword: medicine
Number of strokes: 13
translation: wound, injury, hurt, cut, crack, flaw, speck, bruise, fault, defect, blemish, stain, lose (war, match)
傷: kizu: wound (n.), injury, hurt, cut, crack, flaw, speck, bruise, fault, defect, blemish, stain
傷く: kizutsuku: be wounded [injured]
傷を負う: kizuoou <<<
傷を負った: kizuootta: wounded, injured <<<
傷を負わせる: kizuoowaseru: wound (vt.), inflict a wound (on) <<<
傷を受ける: kizuoukeru: be [get] wounded [injured] <<<
傷の無い: kizunonai: flawless, perfect <<<
傷の有る: kizunoaru: defective, imperfect <<<
傷を付ける: kizuotsukeru: mar (vt.), ruin, spoil, maim <<<
傷が付く: kiZugatsuku: be injured, get hurt <<<
傷む: itamu: feel a pain, pain (vi.) <<<
傷れる: yabureru: lose (war, match) <<<
Kanji words: 外傷 , 傷薬 , 負傷 , 火傷 , 傷跡 , 傷口 , 無傷 , 凍傷 , 咬み傷 , 損傷 , 重傷
Expressions: 誇りを傷つける , 致命傷 , 打撲傷 , 信用を傷つける , 鉄砲傷 , プライドを傷つける
synonyms: , 怪我
related words: 欠点

category: common usage
keyword: medicine
Number of strokes: 17
translation: cure, heal
療す: iyasu
Kanji words: 療法 , 医療 , 治療 , 診療 , 療養

category: common usage
keyword: medicine
Number of strokes: 18
translation: cure, heal
癒える: ieru: be cured, be healed
癒す: iyasu: cure (v.), heal
癒し: iyashi: cure (n.), healing
Kanji words: 癒着 , 治癒
Expressions: 疲れを癒す , 渇きを癒す
synonyms: ,

category: JIS1
keyword: medicine
Number of strokes: 7
translation: moxa
灸: yaito: moxa cautery
灸を据える: kyuuosueru: cauterize with moxa, punish, scold <<<

category: JIS1
keyword: medicine
Number of strokes: 8
translation: lie down, go to bed, turn in
臥せる: huseru
臥す: husu
Kanji words: 草臥れ
related words:

category: JIS1
keyword: medicine
Number of strokes: 10
translation: sprain, wrench, break, discourage, dishearten, frustrate, baffle
za, sa
挫く: kujiku: break, wrench, sprain, get (one's arm) broken, discourage, dishearten, frustrate, baffle
挫ける: kujikeru: be discouraged, be disheartened, lose heart, be broken, be sprained
Kanji words: 捻挫 , 挫折
Expressions: 勇気を挫く , 出端を挫く

category: JIS1
keyword: medicine
Number of strokes: 17
translation: pus, purulent, matter
膿: umi
膿を持つ: umiomotsu: form pus, fester <<<
膿が出る: umigaderu <<<
膿を出す: umiodasu: press the pus out of (a wound), lance the boil, get down to the root of the trouble <<<
Kanji words: 膿腫 , 蓄膿症

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