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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12
Direct access: 観測 , 寒天 , 旱魃 , 寒波 , 寒冷 , 気圧 , 気温 , 気候 , 気象 , 季節


pronunciation: kansoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: astronomy , weather
translation: observation, opinion
観測する: kansokusuru: observe
観測所: kansokujo: observatory <<<
観測者: kansokusha: observer <<<
観測器: kansokuki: observation instrument <<<
観測地点: kansokuchiten: observation point <<< 地点
観測気球: kansokukikyuu: observation balloon <<< 気球
観測記録: kansokukiroku: observation record <<< 記録
気象観測: kishoukansoku: meteorological observation <<< 気象
太陽観測: taiyoukansoku: helioscopy, solar observation <<< 太陽
地震観測: jishinkansoku: seismological observation, seismometry <<< 地震
天体観測: tentaikansoku: astronomical observation <<< 天体
related words: 観察


pronunciation: kanten
kanji characters: ,
keyword: confectionery , weather
translation: Japanese [Bengal] isinglass, Japanese gelatin, agar-agar, cold weather (agar-agar was made in a cold weather)


pronunciation: kanbatsu
kanji characters:
keyword: weather
translation: drought, dry weather
related words: 日照り


pronunciation: kanpa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: coldwave, freeze


pronunciation: kanrei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: cold (climate)
寒冷な: kanreina: cold (a.)
寒冷化: kanreika: (climate) cooling <<<
寒冷地: kanreichi: cold area [region] <<<
寒冷前線: kanreizensen: cold front <<< 前線
related words: 温暖


pronunciation: kiatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather , science
translation: (atmospheric) pressure
気圧が上がる: kiatsugaagaru: The atmospheric pressure rises <<<
気圧が下がる: kiatsugasagaru: The atmospheric pressure falls <<<
気圧の谷: kiatsunotani: trough (of atmospheric pressure) <<<
気圧計: kiatsukei: barometer <<<
気圧配置: kiatsuhaichi: distribution of atmospheric pressure <<< 配置
気圧変化: kiatsuhenka: change of atmospheric pressure <<< 変化
高気圧: koukiatsu: anticyclone <<<
低気圧: teikiatsu: depression <<<
related words: 圧力


pronunciation: kion
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: (atmospheric) temperature
気温が上がる: kiongaagaru: temperature rises <<<
気温が下がる: kiongasagaru: temperature falls <<<
気温が高い: kiongatakai: temperature is high <<<
気温が低い: kiongahikui: temperature is low <<<
最低気温: saiteikion: the lowest temperature <<< 最低
平均気温: heikinkion: mean temperature <<< 平均
related words: 温度


pronunciation: kikou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: climate, weather, season
気候の: kikouno: climatic
気候が良い: kikougaii, kikougayoi: The climate is nice [mild, healthful] <<<
気候が悪い: kikougawarui: The climate is bad [harsh, unhealthful] <<<
気候学: kikougaku: climatology <<<
気候不順: kikouhujun: unseasonable weather
related words: 天候


pronunciation: kishou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: weather (conditions)
気象庁: kishouchou: meteorological agency <<<
気象図: kishouzu: meteorological chart <<<
気象台: kishoudai: meteorological observatory <<<
気象学: kishougaku: meteorology <<<
気象学者: kishougakusha: meteorologist <<< 学者
気象観測: kishoukansoku: meteorological observation <<< 観測
気象観測所: kishoukansokusho: meteorological observatory <<<
気象現象: kishougenshou: meteorological phenomena <<< 現象
気象衛星: kishoueisei: weather satellite <<< 衛星
気象通報: kishoutsuuhou: weather report
気象レーダー: kishoureedaa: weather radar <<< レーダー
海洋気象: kaiyoukishou: sea climate <<< 海洋
related words: 気候


pronunciation: kisetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather , calendar
translation: season
季節の: kisetsuno: seasonal
季節の果物: kisetsunokudamono: seasonal fruits <<< 果物
季節外れ: kisetsuhazure: out of season <<<
季節遅れ: kisetsuokure: behind the season <<<
季節盛り: kisetsuzakari: at the height of the season <<<
季節風: kisetsuhuu: monsoon <<<
季節物: kisetsumono: seasonal goods <<<
季節感: kisetsukan: feelings about seasons <<<
季節労働者: kisetsuroudousha: seasonal worker
桜の季節: sakuranokisetsu: cherry blossom season <<<
桃の季節: momonokisetsu: peach blossom season <<<
新緑の季節しんりょくのきせつ: season of fresh verdure <<< 新緑
synonyms: シーズン
related words: 時候

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