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category: to learn in school
keyword: position
Number of strokes: 10
translation: place of sitting (orig.), seat, place
座: za: theater (jp.)
座る: suwaru: sit down, take a seat, be seated, squat
座らせる: suwaraseru: let (a person) sit down
座り: suwari: stability
座りが良い: suwarigaii, suwarigayoi: be stable <<<
座りが悪い: suwarigawarui: be unstable <<<
座り込み: suwarikomi: sit-in <<<
座り込む: suwarikomu: sitedown (and refuse to move), plant oneself down <<<
座: kura: grade (jp.), rank
座す: imasu: exist (pol., jp.), be here
Kanji words: 星座 , 蟹座 , 座席 , 座礁 , 講座 , 蠍座 , 座薬 , 便座 , 口座 , 座敷 , 座標 , 座禅 , 当座 , 銀座 , 座高 , 即座 , 御座成 , 王座
Expressions: 隣に座る , 牡牛座 , 乙女座 , 射手座 , 蛇遣い座 , 獅子座 , 海豚座 , 白鳥座 , 水瓶座 , 山羊座 , 双子座 , 歌舞伎座 , 小熊座 , 天秤座 , 司教座 , 座布団 , オリオン座 , チャンピオンの座 , スターの座
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: position
Number of strokes: 10
translation: range, put in a row, accompany
連: ren: batch of papers (jp.)
連なる: tsuranaru: be connected [linked] (with, to), stand [stretch] in a row
連ねる: tsuraneru: put (things) in a row, range
連れる: tsureru: take [bring] (a person) with one, be accompanied by, be attended by
に連れて: nitsurete: as, with, in proportion to [as]
連: tsure: companion, company
連れ帰る: tsurekaeru: bring [take] (a person) back [home] <<<
連れ込む: tsurekomu: bring [take] (a person) into, entice (a person) into <<<
連れ込み宿: tsurekomiyado: inn catering for dubious couples
連れ出す: tsuredasu: take (a person) out <<<
連れ立つ: tsuredatsu: go along [in company] with, go together, accompany (a person) <<<
連れ戻す: tsuremodosu: take (a person) back <<<
連れ添う: tsuresou: become married (to a person), get married to a person <<< , 結婚
連れて行く: tsureteiku: take (a person) with one, take (a person) off <<<
連れ無い: tsurenai: heartless, unfeeling, , cold, coldhearted, cruel <<<
連に: shikirini: very often, frequently, continually, incessantly <<<
連: muraji: eight main clans who aided emperors (jp.)
連: tsura, yasu, masa, tsugi: pers.
Kanji words: 道連れ , 連鎖 , 連日 , 連発 , 連携 , 連合 , 連盟 , 連帯 , 連立 , 連隊 , 連絡 , 連中 , 国連 , 連珠 , 連続 , 連邦 , 子連れ , 注連縄 , 関連 , 連載 , 連動 , 連合い , 連結 , 一連 , 常連 , 連敗 , 連勝
Expressions: 供を連れる , 夫婦連れで , 二人連れ , 二人連れで , 家族連れ , 家族連れで
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: position
Number of strokes: 11
translation: link, contact, touch
setsu, shou
接する: sessuru: touch, come [be] in contact (with), border (on), be adjacent (to), be contiguous (to), meet with, receive, get, treat, deal with, handle
接わる: majiwaru: associate, intersect, join <<<
接ぐ: tsugu: link, join, glue
接なぐ: tsunagu
Kanji words: 接待 , 溶接 , 接尾 , 接頭 , 接吻 , 接続 , 面接 , 接点 , 接近 , 接木 , 直接 , 間接 , 接触 , 接着 , 接合 , 応接 , 接種
Expressions: 境を接する , 踵を接する , 境界を接する , 異性に接する

category: to learn in school
keyword: position
Number of strokes: 11
translation: incline (org.), side, face
soku, shoku
側: katawara: side <<<
側: soba: side, neighborhood
側に: sobani: by the side of, at a person's side, beside, near, around, in the neighborhood (of)
側に寄る: sobaniyoru: come [draw] near (to) <<<
側てる: sobadateru: prick up one's ear (incline the head)
側か: honoka: faint, dim <<<
側: kawa, gawa: side, row, (watch) case
Kanji words: 外側 , 内側 , 裏側 , 側面 , 側近 , 縁側 , 両側 , 片側
Expressions: 政府側の , 賛成側 , 此方側に , 反対側 , 攻撃側
synonyms: , サイド

category: to learn in school
keyword: position
Number of strokes: 12
translation: obey, follow, obedient, docile
順: jun: order, turn
順に: junnni: in (regular) order, by turns, one after another
順を追って: junnootte: in due order <<<
順う: shitagau: obey, follow <<<
順: sunao: obedient, docile <<< 素直
Kanji words: 手順 , 道順 , 筆順 , 書き順 , 従順 , 順位 , 順番 , 順調
Expressions: 年の順に , 指名順に , 到着順に , 年代順の , 年代順に , 申込順 , 先任順 , 番号順 , 先着順に

category: to learn in school
keyword: position
Number of strokes: 12
translation: interior, inner part, depth, bottom
奥: kuma: hidden place <<<
奥: oku: interior, inner part, depth, bottom, housewife (jp.)
奥さん: okusan: Madam, Lady <<< 奥様
奥まった: okumatta: retired, secluded
奥深い: okubukai: deep, profound <<<
奥深い家: okubukaiie: house extending far back
奥深い森: okubukaimori: deep [thick] forest
奥床しい: okuyukashii: refined, graceful, elegant, modest <<<
奥の院: okunoin: inner shrine, sanctuary <<<
奥の間: okunoma: back room <<<
奥の手: okunote: trump [best] card <<< , 切札
奥の手が有る: okunotegaaru: have a card up one's sleeve
奥の手を出す: okunoteodasu: play one's trump [best] card
奥の手を使う: okunoteotsukau
Kanji words: 奥歯 , 山奥 , 奥様 , 奥行 , 奥手

category: to learn in school
keyword: position
Number of strokes: 13
translation: far, faraway, distant, remote
en, on
遠い: tooi
遠い昔に: tooimukashini: in a remote past, in olden times <<<
遠くに: tookuni: a long way off, far away [off], in the distance
遠くで: tookude
遠くから: tookukara: from a distance [a long way off, afar]
遠くに成る: tookuninaru: become [grow] distant <<<
遠く及ばない: tookuoyobanai: be no match for, be far inferior to <<<
遠からず: tookarazu: before long, soon, shortly, in the near future
遠ざかる: toozakaru: go away (from), recede (in the distance), die away, keep away (from), stand off, become estranged [alienated] (from)
遠ざける: toozakeru: keep (a person, a thing) at a distance, keep clear of, keep away (from), give (a person) a wide berth, drive off, alienate, shun, abstain from, keep off
Kanji words: 敬遠 , 遠視 , 遠慮 , 望遠 , 望遠鏡 , 遠足 , 遠洋 , 遠征 , 永遠
Expressions: 耳が遠い , 待ち遠しい , 縁が遠い , 相当遠い , 遠い将来に , 遠距離 , 大分遠い , 遠い親類

category: to learn in school
keyword: position
Number of strokes: 13
translation: reverse, backside, inside, interior
裏: ura: reverse [wrong] side, backside, inside, reverse, contrary, back, rear, lining, sole, tail
裏を見よ: uraomiyo: Please turn over <<<
裏には裏が在る: uranihauragaaru: There are wheels within wheels
裏を返せば: uraokaeseba: if stated reversely <<<
裏をかく: uraokaku: outwit (a person),frustrate [baffle] (a person)
裏を付ける: uraotsukeru: line <<<
裏を言う: uraoiu: be ironical, say ironically <<<
裏付け: uraZuke: confirmation, endorsement, corroboration <<<
裏付ける: uraZukeru: confirm, endorse, corroborate <<<
裏: uchi: inside, interior <<<
Kanji words: 裏技 , 囲炉裏 , 裏側 , 手裏剣 , 裏切 , 脳裏 , 裏目 , 裏庭 , 裏金
Expressions: 足の裏 , 裏街道 , 極秘裏に , 表紙裏 , 裏表紙 , 路地裏 , 楽屋裏で , 屋根裏 , 舞台裏 , 陰謀の裏をかく , 裏階段 , 天井裏で , ネット裏

category: to learn in school
keyword: position
Number of strokes: 14
translation: range of mountains (org.), edge, limit, space, associate (ext.)
際: kiwa: edge, limit, margin
際立つ: kiwadatsu: stand out (from, against), be conspicuous, be prominent, cut brilliant figure, attract <<<
際立った: kiwadatta: conspicuous, prominent, outstanding, striking, distinct, remarkable <<<
際立って: kiwadatte: conspicuously, in string contrast, remarkably, distinctly <<<
際わる: majiwaru: associate [mix] with <<<
際: ai: space, room
際: shio: occasion, chance
Kanji words: 手際 , 国際 , 交際 , 窓際 , 実際 , 水際
Expressions: 終焉の際に , 下校の際に , 生誕際 , 往生際 , 登校の際に , 有事の際に , 芸術際 , 瀬戸際 , 瀬戸際に

category: to learn in school
keyword: position
Number of strokes: 15
translation: side, lying, horizon
ou, kou
横: yoko: width, side, flank
横を向く: yokoomuku: look aside [away] <<<
横の: yokono: cross, horizontal, lateral
横に: yokoni: across, crossways, sideways, sidelong
横に並べる: yokoninaraberu: arrange sideways <<<
横に成る: yokoninaru: lie (down), lay oneself down <<<
横たわる: yokotawaru
横にする: yokonisuru: lay (down)
横たえる: yokotaeru
横: yokoshima: wicked, evil <<<
Kanji words: 横浜 , 横幅 , 横綱 , 横断 , 横顔 , 縦横 , 横領 , 横向 , 横目 , 横縞 , 横暴
Expressions: 横断面 , 横隔膜 , 横座標 , 横文字
synonyms: , サイド

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