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Direct access: 完走 , 敢闘 , 監督 , 完敗 , 観覧 , 凱旋 , 合宿 , 頑張 , 気合 , 騎手


pronunciation: kansou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: full distance run
完走する: kansousuru: run the whole distance


pronunciation: kantou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: bravery, courage
敢闘する: kantousuru: fight bravely [courageously], fight a gallant fight
敢闘賞: kantoushou: fighting-spirit prize <<<
敢闘精神: kantousenshin: fighting spirit <<< 精神
synonyms: 勇気


pronunciation: kantoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , movie
translation: supervision, direction, management, superintendence, custody, supervisor, director, bishop, manager, superintendent
監督する: kantokusuru: supervise, direct, manage, superintend
監督官庁: kantokukanchou: competent authorities <<< 官庁
監督教会: kantokukyoukai: episcopal church <<< 教会
監督機関: kantokukikan: supervisory body <<< 機関
土木監督: dobokukantoku: foreman, chief worker, master workman, work master <<< 土木
工事監督: koujikantoku: foreman <<< 工事
撮影監督: satsueikantoku: movie director <<< 撮影
舞台監督: butaikantoku: stage director <<< 舞台
映画監督: eigakantoku: (movie) director <<< 映画
現場監督: genbakantoku: field overseer <<< 現場
related words: 演出


pronunciation: kanpai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: complete defeat, total setback
完敗する: kanpaisuru: suffer a complete defeat
synonyms: 惨敗


pronunciation: kanran
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , show
translation: inspection
観覧する: kanransuru: see, watch, view, inspect
観覧に供する: kanrannnikyousuru: put on display <<<
観覧券: kanranken: admission ticket <<<
観覧車: kanransha: Ferris wheel <<<
観覧人: kanrannnin: spectator, visitor <<<
観覧席: kanranseki: seat (of spectators), chair, box, stadium, bleachers <<<
観覧料: kanranryou: admission fee <<<
観覧無料: kanranmuryou: free admission <<< 無料
related words: 見物


pronunciation: gaisen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , sport
translation: triumph
凱旋の: gaisennno: triumphal
凱旋する: gaisensuru: return in triumph
凱旋門: gaisenmon: arch of triumph, triumphal arch <<<
凱旋軍: gaisengun: victorious army <<<
凱旋式: gaisenshiki: triumphal celebration <<<
凱旋行進: gaisenkoushin: triumphal march <<< 行進
凱旋将軍: gaisenshougun: victorious [triumphant] general <<< 将軍


pronunciation: gasshuku
kanji characters: , 宿
keyword: sport
translation: staying [training] in a camp
合宿する: gasshukusuru: stay in a camp (for training), lodge together
合宿所: gasshukusho: training camp <<<
強化合宿: kyoukagasshuku: camp training <<< 強化


pronunciation: ganbari
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: perseverance, tenacity
頑張る: ganbaru: do one's best, stand firm, persist in, hold [stand] out
頑張れ: ganbare: Hold out!
頑張って: ganbatte: Good cheer!
頑張が効く: ganbarigakiku: be tenacious [persistent] <<<
頑張が効かない: ganbarigakikanai: give in easily
頑張屋: ganbariya: hard-working [stubborn] fellow <<<


pronunciation: kiai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: shout, yell, cry
気合が籠る: kiaigakomoru: have much fighting spirit, have enough drive (to do) <<<
気合を掛ける: kiaiokakeru: shout at, urge a person to get a start [move] on his work <<<
気合を入れる: kiaioireru <<<
気合に欠ける: kiainikakeru: miss heat <<<
気合が足りない: kiaigatarinai <<<
気合負けする: kiaimakesuru: feel intimidated <<<
related words: 気迫


pronunciation: kishu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: rider, horseman, jockey
競馬騎手: keibakishu: jockey <<< 競馬
related words: ジョッキー , 騎士

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