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Direct access: 下心 , 失踪 , 氏名 , 指紋 , 囚人 , 首謀者 , 侵入 , 自首 , 自白 , 邪悪


pronunciation: shitagokoro
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: secret desire [intention, design]
下心が有る: shitagokorogaaru: have [entertain, harbor] a secret design, cherish an intention (of doing, to do) <<<
下心無しに: shitagokoronashini: without a secret design <<<
related words: 陰謀


pronunciation: shissou
kanji characters:
keyword: crime
translation: disappearance
失踪する: shissousuru: disappear, run way, abscond
失踪者: shissousha: missing person, run-away, absconder <<<
失踪届: shissoutodoke: report of disappearance <<<
失踪宣言: shissousengen: adjudication of disappearance <<< 宣言


pronunciation: shimei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family , crime
translation: name, full name
氏名不詳: shimeihushou: unidentified
氏名点呼: shimeitenko: roll call
related words: 名前


pronunciation: shimon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: fingerprint
指紋を取る: shimonnotoru: take fingerprints <<<
指紋学: shimongaku: dactylography <<<
指紋法: shimonhou <<<


pronunciation: shuujin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: prisoner
囚人服: shuujinhuku: prison uniform <<<


pronunciation: shubousha
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: crime
translation: ringleader, leader, chief
related words: 親分


pronunciation: shinnnyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: invasion, raid (n.), intrusion, trespass (n.)
侵入する: shinnnyuusuru: invade, raid (v.), trespass (v.)
侵入者: shinnnyuusha: invader, raider, intruder, trespasser <<<
侵入禁止: shinnnyuukinshi: No trespassing <<< 禁止
不法侵入: huhoushinnnyuu: trespass <<< 不法
住居侵入: juukyoshinnnyuu: trespassing <<< 住居
家宅侵入: katakushinnnyuu: trespassing <<< 家宅
家宅侵入する: katakushinnnyuusuru: trespass on a person's premises [in a person's house] <<< 家宅


pronunciation: jishu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: voluntary surrender to the police
自首する: jishusuru: turn oneself in [give oneself up] to the police, surrender [deliver] oneself to the police


pronunciation: jihaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: confession
自白する: jihakusuru: confess, own up, come clean
任意の自白: ninninojihaku: voluntary confession <<< 任意
synonyms: 白状


pronunciation: jaaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: wickedness, malice
邪悪な: jaakuna: vicious, evil, wicked, malicious

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