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category: to learn in school
keyword: education
Number of strokes: 17
translation: read, understand
講: kou: religious association (jp.), mutual aid [benefit] association <<< 共済
講む: yomu: read, understand <<<
Kanji words: 講堂 , 講演 , 講師 , 講座 , 講義 , 講習
Expressions: 対策を講じる , 手段を講じる

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 17
translation: watch, look at, contemplate
覧る: miru: watch, look at, contemplate <<< , ,
Kanji words: 内覧 , 回覧 , 一覧 , 展覧会 , 閲覧 , 観覧 , 天覧 , 遊覧 , 博覧

category: to learn in school
keyword: fabric
Number of strokes: 17
translation: shrink, wrinkle, shorten, reduce, contract
縮む: chiJimu: shrink (vi.), wrinkle, shorten, reduce, dwindle
縮まる: chiJimaru
縮める: chiJimeru: contract (vt.), shorten, reduce dwindle
縮れる: chiJireru: be frizzled, curl (vi.)
縮らす: chiJirasu: curl (vt.)
縮らせる: chiJiraseru
縮み: chiJimi: contraction, cotton crepe (jp.), wrinkled cloth
縮し: naoshi: correction, repairing <<<
Kanji words: 萎縮 , 収縮 , 短縮 , 縮小 , 濃縮 , 縮緬 , 圧縮
Expressions: 髪を縮らす , 命を縮める , 点差を縮める , 寿命が縮まる

category: to learn in school
keyword: greeting
Number of strokes: 17
translation: refuse, decline, apologize, beg a person's pardon, thanks
謝する: shasuru: thank, apologize
謝わる: kotowaru: refuse, turn down, decline, excuse oneself <<<
謝: rei: thanks, gratitude <<<
謝る: ayamaru: apologize, beg a person's pardon
謝: wabi: excuse (n.), apology <<<
Kanji words: 謝罪 , 謝意 , 慰謝 , 感謝 , 謝礼
Expressions: 労を謝する , 失言を謝する

category: to learn in school
keyword: fabric
Number of strokes: 17
translation: spin, work, merit (attach threads)
seki, shaku
績ぐ: tsumugu: spin (vt.) <<<
績: isao: merits, distinguished services, meritorious deeds <<<
Kanji words: 成績 , 実績 , 業績

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 17
translation: severe, strict, harsh, dour, solemn, stern, grave, impressive, awe-inspiring, majestic
gen, gon
厳かな: ogosokana: solemn, strict, stern, grave, impressive, awe-inspiring, majestic
厳かに: ogosokani: solemnly, gravely, sternly
厳しい: kibishii: severe, strict, harsh, dour
厳める: imashimeru: admonish (a person against doing, a person not to do), warn, punish <<<
Kanji words: 厳格 , 厳密 , 厳重 , 厳冬 , 厳選 , 厳守 , 威厳 , 尊厳 , 戒厳
Expressions: 防備を厳にする

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 17
translation: superior, excel, higher, gentle, tender, kind, kindhearted
yuu, u
優か: yutaka: abundance, plenty, prosperity <<<
優しい: yasashii: gentle, tender, kind, kindhearted
優しく: yasashiku: gently, tenderly, kindly
優しくする: yasashikusuru: be kind [good, nice] (to a person)
優しさ: yasashisa: gentleness, tenderness, kindness
優れる: sugureru: be superior, surpass, excel <<<
優る: masaru
優: wazaogi: artist (anc.)
Kanji words: 俳優 , 優勢 , 優先 , 優勝 , 優雅 , 優柔不断 , 優美 , 優等 , 優秀 , 優位 , 女優 , 男優
Expressions: 心優しい , 気立ての優しい , 環境に優しい

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 17
translation: dry
燥く: kawaku: dry up, get dry
燥ぐ: hashagu: frolic (v.), romp about, be in high [jolly] sprits
燥ぎ回る: hashagimawaru: frolic, play about <<<
Kanji words: 焦燥 , 乾燥

category: common usage
keyword: bird
Number of strokes: 17
translation: wing, help (two wings complement each others)
翼: tsubasa: wing
翼の有る: tsubasanoaru: winged <<<
翼ける: tasukeru: help (v.), aid <<<
Kanji words: 右翼 , 左翼
Expressions: 補助翼 , 回転翼 , 天使の翼 , プロペラの翼 , キャプテン翼

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 17
translation: rub, chafe, stroke, pat, scratch, scrape, graze
擦る: suru: rub (vt.), file, frost, strike, lose (jp.) <<<
擦れる: sureru: rub (vi.), wear, be worn (out), lose one's modesty [naivete] (jp.)
擦り込む: surikomu: rub in <<<
擦り付ける: suritsukeru: rub against <<<
擦り潰す: suritsubusu: grind down (into powder), mash, rub (a thing) out of shape, deface <<<
擦り抜ける: surinukeru: brush past <<<
擦り減らす: suriherasu: wear down [away] <<<
擦り剥く: surimuku: gaze, abrade, chafe, bark <<<
擦り寄る: suriyoru: edge [side] up (to), nestle (close to a person) <<<
擦る: sasuru: rub (vt.), chafe, stroke, pat
擦る: kasuru: scratch, scrape, graze <<<
擦る: kosuru: rub, scrub, scour, chafe, brush
Kanji words: 摩擦 , 阿婆擦
Expressions: 軽石で擦る , 束子で擦る

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