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category: to learn in school
keyword: fest
Number of strokes: 9
translation: celebrate, commemorate, prayer
shuku, shuu
祝う: iwau: celebrate, commemorate
祝い: iwai: celebration, ceremony
の祝いに: noiwaini: in celebration of
祝い事: iwaigoto: happy event, rejoicings <<<
祝い酒: iwaizake: wine to drink in celebration <<<
祝い状: iwaijou: congratulatory letter <<<
祝い物: iwaimono: congratulatory gift <<<
祝: hahuri: priest (anc.)
祝: norito: prayer
Kanji words: 祝儀 , 祝宴 , 祝日 , 祝福 , 祝杯 , 祝辞
Expressions: 縁起を祝う , 縁起を祝って , 還暦祝 , 還暦を祝う , 誕生を祝う , 誕生祝 , 門出を祝う , 盛大に祝う , 引越祝い , 出産祝い , 新築祝い , 新年を祝う , クリスマスを祝う

category: to learn in school
keyword: fest
Number of strokes: 11
translation: festival, fete, fest, gala
祭る: matsuru: deify, dedicate a shrine (to), enshrine
祭り: matsuri: festival, fete, fest, gala
祭をする: matsuriosuru: celebrate a festival, hold a fete, hold a memorial service (for)
祭り上げる: matsuriageru: set (a person) up, put (a person) on a pedestal, exalt <<<
Kanji words: 祭礼 , 祭祀 , 祭司 , 司祭 , 祭壇 , 祭日 , 祭典 , 雛祭
Expressions: 神を祭る , 後の祭 , 血祭にする , 祭囃子 , 犠牲祭 , 七夕祭り , 収穫祭 , 百年祭 , 割礼祭 , 学園祭 , 前夜祭 , 文化祭 , 映画祭 , 独立祭 , 記念祭 , 感謝祭 , 五月祭 , 復活祭 , 音楽祭 , 十年祭 , 鎮魂祭 , 赤道祭
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: fest
Number of strokes: 12
translation: glad, pleased, happy, rejoice
賀ぶ: yorokobu: be glad, be pleased, be happy, rejoice <<<
賀う: iwau: celebrate, commemorate <<<
Kanji words: 謹賀 , 年賀 , 加賀 , 佐賀 , 滋賀

category: common usage
keyword: fest
Number of strokes: 10
translation: feast, party, enjoy
宴: sakamori: feast, party, binge <<< 酒盛
宴: utage
宴のあと: utagenoato: After the Banquet (novel of Yukio Mishima, 1960)
宴しむ: tanoshimu: enjoy <<<
Kanji words: 宴会 , 祝宴 , 小宴
Expressions: 告別の宴 , 月見の宴 , 花見の宴 , 送別の宴 , 結婚披露宴

category: common usage
keyword: fest
Number of strokes: 13
translation: heap up (org.), organize (meeting etc.), urge, invite
催す: moyoosu: organize, celebrate, hold, feel
催: moyoosareru: be organized [held], take place
催: moyooshi: meeting, social gathering, ceremony, entertainment, party, show
催す: unagasu: urge, invite, incite <<<
Kanji words: 主催 , 催眠 , 開催 , 催促
Expressions: 興を催す , 集まりを催す , 宴会を催す , 嘔吐を催す , 嘔吐を催させる , 祝宴を催す , 忘年会を催す , 茶会を催す , 吐気を催す , 小宴を催す

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