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category: to learn in school
other spells: 9
keyword: number
Number of strokes: 2
translation: nine
kyuu, ku
九つ: kokonotsu
Kanji words: 九月 , 八九三 , 九州 , 九十 , 十九 , 九日
Expressions: 九十九

category: to learn in school
keyword: game , economy
Number of strokes: 5
translation: bundle, card, label, check, handbill, placard
札: satsu: banknote (jp.), bank bill
札を崩す: satsuokuzusu: change a note <<<
札: huda: card, label, check, handbill, placard, notice board
札を付ける: hudaotsukeru: attach [put on] a card, label (v.), tag <<<
札を立てる: hudaotateru: put up a board <<<
札を配る: hudaokubaru: deal the cards <<<
Kanji words: 偽札 , 改札 , 絵札 , 切札 , 荷札 , 札幌 , 入札 , 落札 , 表札
Expressions: 迷子札 , 番号札 , トランプ札
synonyms: カード , ラベル

category: to learn in school
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 7
translation: disorganize, demoralize, corrupt, disturb, agitate, dishevel, disorder, disturbance
ran, ron
乱れ: midare: disorder, disturbance
乱れる: midareru: go out of order [control], be confused, become disorganized, fall into disorder [confusion], lose one's wits, be demoralized, be lax (in morals), be disheveled, be disturbed, be chaotic
乱す: midasu: put out of order, put into disorder, throw into confusion, disorganize, demoralize, corrupt, disturb, agitate, dishevel
乱める: osameru: govern (conf.), rule [reign] over, manage, pacify, suppress (an uprising) <<<
Kanji words: 散乱 , 反乱 , 淫乱 , 乱闘 , 乱交 , 波乱 , 混乱 , 乱視 , 内乱 , 乱暴 , 錯乱
Expressions: 振り乱す , 列を乱す , 取り乱す , 秩序を乱す , 乱気流 , 乱開発 , 足並を乱す , 行列を乱す , 公安を乱す , 治安を乱す , 雰囲気を乱す , 風紀を乱す , モラルを乱す , ペースを乱す , スパルタカスの乱

category: to learn in school
keyword: drink , body
Number of strokes: 8
translation: milk, teat
nyuu, ju
乳: chichi, chi
乳を吸う: chichiosuu: suck (its mother's) milk <<<
乳を飲む: chichionomu <<<
乳を搾る: chichioshiboru: milk (v.) <<<
乳が張る: chichigaharu: Breasts swell <<<
Kanji words: 牛乳 , 乳首 , 哺乳 , 母乳 , 豆乳 , 乳歯 , 乳化 , 乳児 , 乳液 , 乳癌 , 乳房 , 授乳 , 乳母 , 搾乳
Expressions: 石灰乳 , 乳製品 , 乳兄弟
synonyms: ミルク

category: common usage
keyword: beauty
Number of strokes: 1
translation: second, second symbol of jik.
otsu, itsu
乙: kinoto: second symbol of jik. <<< 十干
乙: oto: last (jp.)
乙な: otsuna: chic (jp.), smart, stylish <<< シック , エレガント , スマート
乙に澄ます: otsunisumasu: assum a prim air, put on the dog <<<
乙な事を言う: otsunakotooiu: say smart things
Kanji words: 乙女

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 4
translation: hole, orifice, empty, very (bor.)
kou, ku
孔: ana: hole, orifice <<<
孔だ: hanahada: very <<<
Kanji words: 孔雀 , 瞳孔
Expressions: 下水孔 , 噴水孔 , 通気孔 , 換気孔 , 空気孔 , 通風孔 , 排水孔

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 11
translation: dry, heaven
kan, ken
乾く: kawaku: dry (up), get dry, be [feel] thirsty, be parched with thirst
乾かす: kawakasu: dry (vt.), air
乾いた: kawaita: dry (a.), parched
乾き: kawaki: dryness, thirst, thirstiness
乾: sora: heaven <<<
乾: inui: northwest (anc.)
Kanji words: 乾燥 , 乾杯
Expressions: 乾電池 , 乾ドック , 乾パン

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 3
translation: beg, request, entreat, appeal, solicit
kitsu, kochi, kotsu
乞う: kou: ask (a person to do), beg (a person to do), request (a person to do), entreat, appeal, solicit
Kanji words: 乞食
Expressions: 暇を乞う

category: JIS1
keyword: grammar
Number of strokes: 3
translation: assertive [interrogative, surprise] suffix, also
ya, e
也: nari: assertive suffix
也: ka: interrogative suffix
也: mata: also, surprise suffix <<<
Kanji words: 可也

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