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category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 3
translation: I, me, myself, sixth symbol of jik.
ko, ki
己: onore: I, me, you (pej., jp.), yourself
己の: onoreno: one's own
己に勝つ: onorenikatsu: conquer oneself <<<
己を知る: onoreoshiru: know oneself <<<
己: tsuchinoto: sixth symbol of jik.
Kanji words: 自己
synonyms: ,

category: to learn in school
keyword: politics , technology
Number of strokes: 7
translation: modify, change, amend, alter
改める: aratameru: change (vt.), renew, renovate, revise, amend, control (v., jp.), examine, verify, recount
改まる: aratamaru: change (vi.), be renewed, be renovated, be improved, be reformed, be revised, be amended, be formal [ceremonious], stand on ceremony
改った: aratamatta: formal, ceremonious
改って: aratamatte: formally, ceremoniously
改めて: aratamete: anew, newly
改め: aratame: control (n., jp.), verification, inspection
Kanji words: 改心 , 改革 , 改札 , 改変 , 改定 , 改正 , 改修 , 改造 , 改訂 , 改善 , 改宗 , 改良 , 改装 , 改名 , 改元
Expressions: 過ちを改める , 欠点を改める , 機構を改める , 年号を改める , 服装を改める
synonyms: ,

category: to learn in school
keyword: tool
Number of strokes: 9
translation: wind, wrap, roll, volume
kan, ken
巻: maki: roll (n.), volume
巻く: maku: roll up (v.), wind up, roll, furl
巻き包む: makitsutsumu: wrap <<<
巻き繰る: makikuru: bind <<<
巻き上がる: makiagaru: curl [roll] up <<<
巻き上げる: makiageru: wind up, swindle [cheat] (a person) out of (his money), rob (a person of his money) <<<
巻き起こす: makiokosu: create (a sensation), evoke (public comments) <<<
巻き返す: makikaesu: roll back (the enemy) <<<
巻き込む: makikomu: roll [wrap] in, engulf, drag into <<<
巻き付く: makitsuku: coil [twine] round, wind itself round <<<
巻き付ける: makitsukeru: wind [twine] (a rope) round (a thing) <<<
巻き戻す: makimodosu: rewind <<<
Kanji words: 寝巻 , 葉巻 , 渦巻 , 席巻 , 竜巻 , 春巻 , 石巻 , 巻貝 , 巻毛 , 巻頭 , 鉢巻 , 巻物 , 襟巻
Expressions: 管を巻く , 舌を巻く , 尾を巻く , 傘を巻く , 煙に巻く , 煙に巻かれる , 渦を巻く , 帆を巻く , 簾を巻く , 時計を巻く , 河童巻 , 鳴門巻 , 昆布巻 , 螺子を巻く , 海苔巻 , 尻尾を巻く , 巻脚絆 , 襟巻を巻く , 竜頭を巻く , リールを巻く , キャベツ巻
synonyms: , ロール

category: to learn in school
keyword: transport
Number of strokes: 10
translation: distribute, deliver, display, spread, couple (bor.), spouse
配べる: naraberu: display, spread <<<
配: tsureai: couple, spouse, companion <<< 連合い
配る: kubaru: distribute, hand out, serve out, deal (cards to players), deliver, send out, send out, dispose, arrange, allot, apportion
Kanji words: 配慮 , 気配り , 配管 , 配信 , 配備 , 配置 , 配送 , 配線 , 手配 , 配当 , 宅配 , 支配 , 配布 , 配達 , 配電 , 配給 , 配点 , 年配 , 配膳 , 配偶 , 気配 , 心配
Expressions: 札を配る , 散らしを配る , トランプを配る , ビラを配る

category: JIS1
keyword: time , calendar
Number of strokes: 3
translation: year of the snake (Chinese Zodiac), 10h am.
巳: mi
related words:

category: JIS1
keyword: art , nature
Number of strokes: 4
translation: eddy, whirl
巴: uzumaki <<< 渦巻
巴: tomoe: comma-like swirl symbol
巴: tomo: pers.
related words:

category: JIS1
keyword: town
Number of strokes: 9
translation: street, crossway, world (ext.), people
巷: chimata
巷の声: chimatanokoe: voice of the people <<<
Expressions: 喧騒の巷 , 修羅の巷

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