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category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 4
translation: yawn, lack (conf.), miss, absent, without
欠ける: kakeru: be broken (off), break (off), be [get] chipped, be wanting [missing], lack, be short of
欠く: kaku: lack (v.), be lacking [wanting] (in), want, be short of, be missing, fail (in one's duty), neglect, break, crack
欠: akubi: yawn (n.)
Kanji words: 欠乏 , 欠点 , 補欠 , 欠伸 , 欠片 , 欠席 , 欠勤 , 欠場 , 欠氷 , 欠陥 , 欠員
Expressions: 事欠く , 礼を欠く , 月が欠ける , 鮮明を欠く , 気合に欠ける , 熱意に欠ける , 統一を欠く , 円満を欠く , 切札に欠く , 理性を欠く , 緊張に欠く , 義理を欠く , 礼儀を欠く , 慎重を欠く , 常識を欠く

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 6
translation: stay, next (ext.), auxiliary, second
次ぐ: tsugu: follow, succeed
次: tsugi: following (who rests next)
次の: tsugino: next, following, coming, ensuing, adjoining, second
次の間: tsuginoma: next [adjoining] room, anteroom <<<
次の日: tsuginohi: the next day <<< , 翌日
次に: tsugini: next, secondly, in the next [second] place
次ず: tsuizu: make a sorting
次まる: todomaru: stay, take a rest
次る: yadoru: stay <<< 宿
Kanji words: 目次 , 一次 , 年次 , 二次 , 野次 , 次回 , 次官 , 次元 , 次女 , 次長 , 次点 , 次男 , 漸次 , 取次
Expressions: 二の次 , 二の次にする , 相次ぐ , 次世代

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 11
translation: want, wish, avarice, greed
欲: yoku: greediness, avarice
欲の深い: yokunohukai: greedy, avaricious, covetous, grasping <<<
欲の無い: yokunonai: unselfish, disinterested <<<
欲を言えば: yokuoieba: If I may be allowed to hope more <<<
欲の塊: yokunokatamari: incarnation of avarice itself <<<
欲に目が眩む: yokunimegakuramu: be blinded by avarice
欲する: hossuru: want, wish, like, desire
欲しい: hoshii
Kanji words: 欲情 , 強欲 , 意欲 , 愛欲 , 性欲 , 貪欲 , 欲張 , 欲望 , 情欲 , 食欲
Expressions: 権力欲 , 征服欲 , 知識欲 , 読書欲 , 購買欲 , 領土欲 , 支配欲 , 生殖欲 , 独占欲 , 金銭欲 , 名誉欲 , 所有欲
synonyms: ,

category: to learn in school
keyword: music
Number of strokes: 14
translation: song, ballad, singing, poetry, poem, ode
歌う: utau: sing, chant, recite
歌: uta: song, ballad, singing, poetry, poem, ode <<<
歌を歌う: utaoutau: sing a song, hum a tune
歌を習う: utaonarau: take [have] lessons in singing <<<
歌を作る: utaotsukuru: compose a poem <<<
Kanji words: 短歌 , 和歌 , 国歌 , 歌声 , 歌手 , 歌姫 , 歌人 , 哀歌 , 歌謡 , 歌舞伎 , 和歌山 , 歌唱 , 歌詞 , 歌曲 , 聖歌
Expressions: 歌合戦 , 一緒に歌う , 無言歌 , 主題歌 , 歌い文句 , 歌の祭典 , 子守歌 , 得意の歌 , 手鞠歌 , 応援歌 , 賛美歌 , 流行歌 , ソプラノで歌う , ハミングで歌う , ソロで歌う

category: common usage
keyword: europe
Number of strokes: 8
translation: vomit, hit (conf.), sing, Europe (pho.)
欧く: haku: vomit <<<
欧つ: utsu: hit, beat <<<
欧う: utau: sing (v.) <<<
Kanji words: 欧米 , 欧州 , 南欧 , 東欧 , 北欧
related words: ヨーロッパ

category: common usage
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 11
translation: steal, rob, pilfer
盗む: nusumu: steal (a thing from a person), pilfer (a thing from a shop), rob (a person of a thing), pirate, plagiarize
盗み: nusumi: theft, robbery
盗みを働く: nusumiohataraku: commit theft <<<
盗みをする: nusumiosuru
盗み見る: nusumimiru: steal a glance (at), look furtively <<<
盗み見する: nusumimisuru <<<
Kanji words: 盗難 , 盗撮 , 怪盗 , 盗聴 , 強盗 , 盗賊 , 窃盗
Expressions: 足音を盗んで

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 11
translation: flexible, supple, soft
nan, zen, nen
軟らか: yawaraka
軟らかい: yawarakai
Kanji words: 軟膏 , 軟骨 , 軟水 , 柔軟 , 軟弱
Expressions: 軟着陸
antonyms: , ,

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 12
translation: deceive, dupe
gi, ki
欺く: azamuku: deceive, dupe, play (a person) false
Kanji words: 詐欺
Expressions: 甘言で欺く

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 12
translation: sincerity, truth, pleasure
款: makoto: sincerity, truth <<< , ,
款ぶ: yorokobu: be pleased [glad], rejoice <<< ,
Kanji words: 定款

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 15
translation: happiness, joy, delight, rejoicing
歓ぶ: yorokobu: be glad, be pleased, be happy, rejoice
歓び: yorokobi: happiness, joy, delight (n.), rejoicing
Kanji words: 歓迎 , 歓談 , 交歓 , 歓喜
synonyms: ,

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