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category: to learn in school
keyword: unit
Number of strokes: 3
translation: unit of length (ca. 3 cm in Japan), measure
寸る: hakaru: measure (v.) <<<
寸: toki: hour (jp.) <<<
寸: ki: unit to measure horse (jp.)
Kanji words: 一寸 , 寸法
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: buddhism
Number of strokes: 6
translation: public office, temple (before bonzes worked in an office)
寺: yakusho: public office <<< 役所
寺: tera: temple, church
Kanji words: 寺銭 , 寺院
Expressions: 菩提寺 , 浅草寺 , 南蛮寺 , 清水寺 , 本願寺 , 醍醐寺

category: to learn in school
keyword: position
Number of strokes: 7
translation: face to face, side by side, pair
tai, tsui
対する: taisuru: be opposite to, face (v.), confront, oppose, against, toward
対かう: mukau: face (v.), go toward <<<
対: soroi: set, couple, pair <<<
対える: kotaeru: answer, reply <<<
対: tsureai: companion, one's husband, one's wife <<< 連合い
対: aite: partner, companion, competitor, opponent, rival <<< 相手
対ぶ: narabu: stand in a line [row], form a line [queue], line up in a queue, be drawn up, stand side by side, stand abreast <<<
Kanji words: 対人 , 対訳 , 対応 , 対抗 , 対策 , 対象 , 対流 , 応対 , 対峙 , 対決 , 対面 , 対処 , 対比 , 対照 , 対角 , 絶対 , 相対 , 対称 , 反対 , 対数 , 対岸 , 対立
Expressions: 対戦車砲

category: to learn in school
keyword: job
Number of strokes: 9
translation: specialize, expert, exclusive
専ら: moppara: principally
専に: hitosujini: exclusively <<< 一筋
Kanji words: 専有 , 専属 , 専修 , 専任 , 専業 , 専用 , 専攻 , 専門 , 専制

category: to learn in school
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 10
translation: general, lead, command
将いる: hikiiru: lead, command, be at the head of <<<
将て: motte: with, by means of, through, for, on account of, by reason of <<<
将に: masani: just (adv.) <<<
将つ: katsu: moreover, as well as <<<
将ける: ukeru: accept (pol.) <<<
Kanji words: 将校 , 将来 , 将棋 , 中将 , 少将 , 将軍 , 大将

category: to learn in school
keyword: weapon
Number of strokes: 10
translation: shoot (an arrow), sting, shine (ext.)
sha, seki
射る: iru: shoot (an arrow)
射止める: itomeru: shoot to death, win <<<
射く: kirameku: shine <<<
射てる: ateru: hit (a target) <<<
射す: sasu: sting, shine (ray penetrates) <<<
Kanji words: 射手 , 注射 , 反射 , 速射 , 射精 , 高射砲 , 射殺 , 放射 , 噴射 , 射撃 , 発射 , 射程 , 掃射
Expressions: 弓を射る , 矢を射る , 的を射る

category: to learn in school
keyword: nobility
Number of strokes: 12
translation: respect, honor
尊い: tattoi: respectful, honorable <<<
尊い: toutoi
尊ぶ: tattobu: respect, honor <<<
尊ぶ: toutobu
尊: taru: barrel of alcohol (offering for gods) <<<
尊: mikoto: prince (jp.), princess, god <<<
尊: takashi: pers.
Kanji words: 尊敬 , 尊重 , 三尊 , 尊厳

category: to learn in school
keyword: education
Number of strokes: 15
translation: guide, lead, conduct
導く: michibiku: lead, guide, show the way, conduct
導き: michibiki: guidance, orientation
Kanji words: 導入 , 指導 , 導体 , 伝導 , 補導 , 誘導 , 先導


category: common usage
keyword: life
Number of strokes: 7
translation: longevity, congratulations, felicitations
ju, su
寿: kotobuki: congratulations, felicitations
寿ぐ: kotohogu: congratulate
Kanji words: 長寿 , 寿命 , 寿司

category: common usage
keyword: communication
Number of strokes: 9
translation: delimit (a land), demarcate, limit, frontier, border, seal (ext.)
huu, hou
封: huu: seal (n.)
封をする: huuosuru: seal (v.)
封を切る: huuokiru: break the seal <<<
封: sakai: limit, frontier, border <<<
封じる: tojiru: delimit (a land), demarcate <<<
封: moritsuchi: mound (for a worship)
Kanji words: 封筒 , 封建 , 封印 , 密封 , 封鎖

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