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category: common usage
keyword: art
Number of strokes: 11
translation: carve, engrave, chisel
彫る: horu: carve, engrave, chisel (v.)
彫りの深い顔: horinohukaikao: clear-cut face
Kanji words: 彫刻 , 彫像
Expressions: 鑿で彫る , 版画を彫る , 象牙彫り

category: common usage
keyword: food
Number of strokes: 11
translation: rude, coarse, rough
粗: ara: refuse [bony parts] of a fish, offal, defect, fault, flaw <<< 欠点
粗の無い: aranonai: flawless, perfect <<< , 完璧
粗を捜す: araosagasu: find fault with <<<
粗捜し: arasagashi: faultfinding <<<
粗い: arai: coarse, rough, raw
粗く: araku: coarsely, roughly, loosely
粗: hobo: almost, nearly, about, for the most part, roughly <<<
Kanji words: 粗品 , 粗雑 , 粗筋 , 粗食
Expressions: 目の粗い , 粗利益

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 11
translation: shadow, shade, obscure, dark, secret, discreet
in, on
陰: kage: shadow, shade
陰で操る: kagedeayatsuru: pull the wires (from behind) <<<
陰で糸を引く: kagedeitoohiku
陰る: kageru: be obscured, darken
陰い: kurai: obscure, dark <<<
陰かな: hisokana: secret, discreet <<<
Kanji words: 陰部 , 木陰 , 日陰 , 陰謀 , 陰線 , 陰性 , 陰鬱 , 物陰 , 陰気
Expressions: 陰イオン

category: common usage
keyword: garden
Number of strokes: 11
translation: dig, excavate, burrow, bore, hole, slit, gap, leak, pit, cave
kutsu, kotsu
掘る: horu: dig, excavate, burrow, scratch (for), scoop out, bore
掘: ana: hole, slit, gap, leak, pit, cave <<<
Kanji words: 発掘
Expressions: 深く掘る , 土を掘る , 溝を掘る , 穴を掘る , 炭鉱を掘る , 石炭を掘る , 運河を掘る , 井戸を掘る , 井戸掘り , 地面を掘る , トンネルを掘る , ショベルで掘る

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 11
translation: keep, hold
shitsu, shuu
執る: toru
執える: toraeru: catch, take [catch, get] hold of, seize, capture, arrest, apprehend <<<
Kanji words: 執念 , 執事 , 執着 , 執筆 , 執行 , 固執 , 確執
Expressions: 矛を執る , 家政を執る , 事務を執る
related words: , ,

category: common usage
keyword: love
Number of strokes: 11
translation: engagement (of marriage), marriage
婚: engumi <<< 縁組
Kanji words: 再婚 , 婚姻 , 婚約 , 求婚 , 婚活 , 未婚 , 早婚 , 離婚 , 新婚 , 重婚 , 結婚
Expressions: ダイヤモンド婚
synonyms: 婚約
related words: 結婚

category: common usage
keyword: environment
Number of strokes: 11
translation: open by pushing
排く: oshihiraku
Kanji words: 排除 , 排他 , 排卵 , 排気 , 排泄 , 排出 , 排水
Expressions: 排ガス

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 11
translation: add, attach, affix, append
添える: soeru: add (to), attach [affix, append] (to), throw in, garnish with
添う: sou: accompany, go along with, marry (vi., jp.), become man and wife, meet [satisfy] (a person's wishes) <<<
Kanji words: 添付 , 添削 , 添加 , 添状 , 添書
Expressions: 寄り添う , 書き添える , 興を添える , 連れ添う , 希望に添う , 期待に添う , 活気を添える

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 11
translation: tour, patrol, circulate, revolve
旋る: meguru: tour (v.), patrol, circulate, revolve <<< , ,
旋: ibari: urine (anc.) <<< 尿
Kanji words: 螺旋 , 斡旋 , 旋毛 , 凱旋 , 旋風 , 旋律 , 旋回 , 旋盤

category: common usage
keyword: travel
Number of strokes: 11
translation: see, look, stare, gaze, watch
眺める: nagameru: see, look at, stare at, gaze at [on, into], watch, take a view
眺め: nagame: view, sight, prospect, landscape, scenery, panorama <<< パノラマ
Kanji words: 眺望
Expressions: 窓から眺める , 雄大な眺め

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