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category: common usage
Number of strokes: 11
translation: put in a row, range
chin, jin
陳ねる: tsuraneru: put (things) in a row, range <<< ,
陳べる: noberu: explain, talk, tell, say, mention <<<
陳い: hurui: old, aged <<<
Kanji words: 陳情 , 陳列

category: common usage
keyword: weather
Number of strokes: 11
translation: dilute (orig.), cool (bor.), fresh
涼しい: suzushii: cool, refreshing
涼しい顔をする: suzushiikaoosuru: look unconcerned, assume a nonchalant air <<<
涼しさ: suzushisa: coolness
涼しく成る: suzushikunaru: become cool <<<
涼み: suzumi: cooling spot
涼む: suzumu: make oneself cool (jp.)
涼い: usui: weak, thin, washy <<<
涼に: makotoni: truly <<<
Kanji words: 涼風
related words:

category: common usage
keyword: drink
Number of strokes: 11
translation: get drunk
酔う: you: get drunk, become [get] intoxicated [tipsy], get seasick [carsick, airsick]
酔った: yotta: drunk, seasick, carsick, airsick
酔わす: yowasu: inebriate, make (a person) drunk, intoxicate, fascinate, charm
酔わせる: yowaseru
Kanji words: 陶酔 , 麻酔 , 酔払 , 泥酔
Expressions: 船に酔う , 二日酔い , 二日酔いをする , 乗物酔い , 歓喜に酔う

category: common usage
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 11
translation: lie (n.), imitation, false
gi, ka
偽り: itsuwari: lie (n.), falsehood, shenanigan
偽りの: itsuwarino: false, untrue, deceitful
偽りを言う: itsuwarioiu: tell a lie <<<
偽る: itsuwaru: tell a lie, falsify, deceive, cheat, pretend, feign
偽って: itsuwatte: by deceit [fraud]
偽: nise: imitation, copy <<<
Kanji words: 偽装 , 偽札 , 偽善 , 偽者 , 偽造 , 偽書 , 偽物
Expressions: 国籍を偽る , 住所を偽る , 姓名を偽る , 偽ティファニー

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 11
translation: open (the mind), explain (ext.), tell, say
啓く: hiraku: open (the mind), let understand <<<
啓す: mousu: explain, tell, say <<<
Kanji words: 啓蒙 , 拝啓 , 啓示

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 11
translation: hope, various (bor.), diverse
庶: moromoro: various, many, diverse <<<
庶う: negau: hope (v.), wish <<<
庶う: koinegau: hope firmly <<<
Kanji words: 庶民

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 11
translation: far, faraway, distant, remote
悠い: tooi
Kanji words: 悠長

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 11
translation: leave, let
so, saku
措く: oku
Kanji words: 措置
Expressions: 大体に措いて

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 11
translation: pardon, excuse, forgive
赦す: yurusu: pardon (v.), excuse, forgive
Kanji words: 恩赦 , 容赦

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 11
translation: judge, companion, comrade
曹: tsukasa: judge (anc.)
曹: tomogara: companion, comrade, circle, party, gang <<<
曹: nakama <<< 仲間
曹: heya: room, chamber, office <<< 部屋
Kanji words: 軍曹 , 重曹 , 法曹

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