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category: to learn in school
keyword: china
Number of strokes: 11
translation: pure, clean, neat, Qing Dynasty (a Manchu dynasty in China, 1644 AD-1912 AD)
sei, shou, shin
清い: kiyoi: pure, clean
清らかな: kiyorakana
清い水: kiyoimizu: pure water <<<
清い心: kiyoikokoro: pure heart <<<
清める: kiyomeru: purify, clean (v.)
清まる: kiyomaru: become pure, become clean
Kanji words: 清潔 , 清楚 , 清純 , 清浄 , 清掃 , 清聴 , 清水 , 清算 , 粛清 , 清書

category: to learn in school
keyword: kids
Number of strokes: 11
translation: give birth to, bear a child, be livered of (a baby), breed, lay eggs, spawn, produce, bring forth, yield
産む: umu: give birth to, bear a child, be livered of (a baby), breed, lay eggs, spawn, produce, bring forth, yield
産れ: umare: birth, origin <<<
産み落とす: umiotosu: give birth to, be delivered of (a baby), drop (a animal's baby) <<<
産み出す: umidasu: produce, bring forth, yield <<<
産: ubu: pref. for birth (jp.)
Kanji words: 月産 , 産業 , 年産 , 遺産 , 産声 , 量産 , 産卵 , 国産 , 倒産 , 生産 , 死産 , 財産 , 破産 , 日産 , 産婦 , 物産 , 産物 , 資産 , 出産 , 土産 , 不動産 , 助産 , 流産
Expressions: 卵を産む , 子を産む , 外国産 , 産婦人科

category: to learn in school
keyword: transport
Number of strokes: 11
translation: stop, halt, stay, take a rest
tei, chou
停まる: todomaru: stop (vi.), halt, stay <<< ,
停める: tomeru: stop (vt.) <<< ,
Kanji words: 停止 , 停留所 , 停電 , 調停 , 停滞 , 停車 , 停泊
Expressions: バス停

category: to learn in school
keyword: book
Number of strokes: 11
translation: simplify, abbreviate, almost, nearly
略: ryaku: simplification, abbreviation
略する: ryakusuru: simplify, abbreviate
略く: habuku: simplify, abbreviate, shorten, reduce, omit <<<
略: hobo: almost, nearly, about <<<
略: hakarigoto: stratagem, plot <<<
略める: osameru: govern, manage <<<
略す: okasu: invade, raid <<<
Kanji words: 戦略 , 概略 , 略語 , 省略 , 略奪 , 攻略 , 侵略 , 策略 , 計略
Expressions: 敬称略

category: to learn in school
keyword: book
Number of strokes: 11
translation: emblem, symbol, mark, text
章: shou: chapter
章らか: akiraka: clear, obvious <<<
章: shirushi: sign, mark <<<
章: humi: book, message, text <<<
章: aya: pattern, figure <<<
Kanji words: 紋章 , 文章
Expressions: 会員章 , 旭日章 , 階級章

category: to learn in school
keyword: administration
Number of strokes: 11
translation: allow, permit, grant, admit, sanction, consent, license, authorize, only, solely, merely
kyo, ko
許す: yurusu: allow [permit] (a person to do), grant, admit, sanction, consent to, license, authorize, can afford, forgive, pardon, excuse, exempt (a person from), release, set (a person) free, trust, confide in (a person), take (a person) into one's confidence
許せる: yuruseru: pardonable, excusable, permissible, tolerable
許せない: yurusenai: unpardonable, inexcusable, impermissible, intolerable
許し難い: yurushigatai <<<
許し: yurushi: permission (to do), leave, license, sanction, pardon, release, authorization
許しを求める: yurushiomotomeru: ask a person's permission [leave] <<<
許しを請う: yurushiokou: beg a person's pardon <<<
許しを得る: yurushioeru: get permission <<<
許しを得て: yurushioete: by permission of <<<
許り: bakari: only, solely, merely
許: moto: origin, source, beginning <<<
Kanji words: 許可 , 特許 , 免許
Expressions: 肌を許す , 溢れる許りの , 楽観を許さない , 発言を許す , 入会を許す , 事情が許せば , 休暇を許す , 予断を許さない

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 11
translation: thin, fine, slim, slender
sai, sei
細い: hosoi: thin, slender, fine, narrow, tapering
細い声: hosoikoe: thin [small] voice <<<
細く: hosoku: thinly, finely
細くする: hosokusuru: make (a thing) slender [fine, thin], narrow, sharpen
細く成る: hosokunaru: become thin [thinner, more slender], dwindle <<<
細る: hosoru
細かい: komakai, komaka: small, fine, minute, detailed, elaborate, delicate, close, strict, exact, thrifty, frugal, economical, sensitive
細かく: komakaku, komakani: finely, minutely, in detail, closely, particularly, strictly
細かくする: komakakusuru: cut [break up] (a thing) into small pieces, tear to pieces, chop, change (into small money)
細しい: kuwashii: detailed, particular, minute, know well, be well-informed <<<
細しく: kuwashiku: minutely, in detail, in full, at length
Kanji words: 詳細 , 細菌 , 細心 , 細身 , 繊細 , 細工 , 細波 , 明細 , 細胞 , 細切 , 些細 , 仔細
Expressions: 事細かに , 芸が細い , 痩せ細る , 痩せ細った , 心細い , 神経が細い

category: to learn in school
keyword: book
Number of strokes: 11
translation: wear, edit (bor.)
cho, chaku, jaku
著す: arawasu: write (a book), edit
著しい: ichijirushii: remarkable, conspicuous, striking, marked, noteworthy
著しく: ichijirushiku: remarkably, conspicuously, strikingly, markedly
著る: kiru: wear <<<
著く: tsuku: stick, adhere <<<
Kanji words: 顕著 , 著作 , 著名 , 著者

category: to learn in school
keyword: mechanics
Number of strokes: 11
translation: shut, close
hei, hetsu
閉じる: tojiru: shut, close
閉じた: tojita: closed
閉ざす: tozasu: shut, close, bolt, lock, blockade
閉める: shimeru: shut, close, let down
閉まる: shimaru: shut, close, be shut, be closed, be locked
閉: yudame: arc fitter
Kanji words: 閉鎖 , 閉会 , 閉塞 , 密閉 , 閉店 , 開閉 , 自閉症
Expressions: 窓を閉める , 戸を閉める , 店を閉める , 店を閉じる , 門を閉ざす , 幕を閉じる , 鍵を閉める , 栓を閉める , 議事を閉じる , 括弧を閉じる , 金庫を閉める , 支店を閉じる , 踏切を閉める , 蛇口を閉じる , 蛇口を閉める , カーテンを閉める , ハッチを閉じる , バルブを閉じる , バルブを閉める , ジッパーを閉める , チャックを閉める

category: to learn in school
keyword: musical instrument
Number of strokes: 11
translation: flute, pipe, bagpipe, piccolo, flageolet
teki, jaku
笛: hue
笛を吹く: hueohuku: play (on) a flute <<<
笛吹けど踊らず: huehukedoodorazu: do not dance to a person's piping
Kanji words: 汽笛 , 警笛
synonyms: フルート

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