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category: common usage
keyword: calendar
Number of strokes: 14
translation: calendar, almanac
reki, ryaku
暦: koyomi: calendar, almanac <<< カレンダー
暦: kazu: number <<<
暦: toshi: year, age <<< ,
Kanji words: 西暦 , 還暦
Expressions: 万年暦 , 学年暦 , 太陽暦 , マヤ暦

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 14
translation: symptom, omen, sign, summon (ext.)
chou, chi
徴: shirushi: symptom, omen, sign <<< ,
徴す: mesu: summon (discover a hidden person) <<<
Kanji words: 特徴 , 徴収 , 徴兵 , 象徴

category: common usage
keyword: history
Number of strokes: 14
translation: tombstone, monument
碑を立てる: hiotateru: set up a monument (to the memory of a person) <<<
碑: tateishi: column of sundial
碑: ishibumi: tombstone
Kanji words: 石碑
Expressions: 記念碑

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 14
translation: squeegee, in general (bor.), almost
概: tokaki: stick to flatten a measure, squeegee
概ね: oomune: in general, roughly, almost <<< 大体
概: omomuki: look, appearance, state <<<
Kanji words: 概算 , 概況 , 一概 , 概略 , 概念 , 概要

category: common usage
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 14
translation: pull out, snatch, rob, take away, nab
奪う: ubau: snatch (a thing from a person), take (a thing) away (from a person), rob (a person of a thing), plunder (a person of his goods), pillage, deprive, absorb (a person's attention), engross (a person's mind), fascinate, enrapture, carry away
奪い合う: ubaiau: scramble (v.), contend <<<
奪い合い: ubaiai: scramble (n.) <<<
奪い返す: ubaikaesu: take [win] back, recapture <<<
Kanji words: 奪還 , 略奪 , 剥奪
Expressions: 位を奪う , 資格を奪う , 純潔を奪われる
related words:

category: common usage
keyword: farming
Number of strokes: 14
translation: gather, collect
teki, chaku, taku
摘まむ: tsumamu: pinch (v.), pick, take a pinch of
摘まみ: tsumami: pinch (n.), knob, side dish (jp.)
摘み出す: tsumamidasu: pick out, drag out, turn [thrust] out, throw out <<<
摘み洗いする: tsumamiaraisuru: wash a (spoiled) part of <<<
摘み食いする: tsumamiguisuru: eat when no one is about <<<
摘む: tsumu: gather (vi.), cull
摘く: abaku: expose, disclose, reveal <<< ,
摘う: hirou: pick up <<<
Kanji words: 指摘
Expressions: 鼻を摘む , 芽を摘む , 掻い摘まむ , 双葉のうちに摘む , 葡萄を摘む

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 14
translation: servant, me, I
僕: boku: I (masculine), me
僕は: bokuwa: I am
僕も: bokumo: me too
僕ら: bokura: we (masculine), us
僕: shimobe: servant <<< 下男
僕: yatsugare: me (pol.), I
Kanji words: 僕達
Expressions: 僕も仲間だ

category: common usage
keyword: material
Number of strokes: 14
translation: lacquer
漆: urushi: lacquer (n.), japan, lacquer tree
漆を塗る: urushionuru: lacquer (v.), japan <<<
漆塗りの: urushinurino: lacquered, japanned <<<
Kanji words: 漆器 , 漆喰 , 漆黒

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 14
translation: interrupt, obstruct, screen from, block
遮る: saegiru
Kanji words: 遮断
Expressions: 視界を遮る , 視野を遮る , 言葉を遮る

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 14
translation: leak, escape, reveal, disclose, divulge
漏る: moru: leak (vi.), escape
漏れる: moreru
漏らす: morasu: leak (vt.), escape, reveal, disclose, divulge, let out, let know
漏り: mori: leak, leakage
漏れ: more: leak, leakage, omission, oversight
漏れ無く: morenaku: without omission, to everybody, one and all <<<
漏れ聞く: morekiku: overhear, happen to hear <<<
Kanji words: 漏洩 , 漏斗 , 早漏
Expressions: 雨が漏る , 尿を漏らす , 水の漏らない , 外部に漏らす , 秘密が漏れる , 秘密を漏らす , 記載漏れ , 機密を漏らす , 申告漏れ , ガス漏れ , ガスが漏る

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