Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2
Direct access: , , , l , { , ` , , n , ] , ғ

pronunciation: gyuuniku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: meat
translation: beef
: gyuunikuya: butcher, meat store <<<
synonyms: r[t , rteL , Xe[L

pronunciation: shikaniku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: meat
translation: venison, deer meat

pronunciation: zoumotsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: meat
translation: entrails, guts, giblets, pluck
: zoumotsuryouri: tripe <<<


pronunciation: chouZume
kanji characters: , l
keyword: meat
translation: andouille, chitterlings sausage, black pudding, blood sausage
related words: \[Z[W


pronunciation: toriniku
kanji characters: { ,
keyword: meat
translation: chicken, fowl
synonyms: `L


pronunciation: nikujuu
kanji characters: , `
keyword: meat
translation: gravy, broth, meat juice

pronunciation: nikuhen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: meat
translation: piece of meat
: usuinikuhen: thinly sliced meat, escalope <<< , GXJ[v


pronunciation: baniku
kanji characters: n ,
keyword: meat
translation: horseflesh, horsemeat
n: banikuya: horse butcher, equine butcher <<<


pronunciation: baraniku
kanji characters: ] ,
other spells: ΂, o
keyword: meat
translation: (meat of ) beef [lamb, pork] ribs


pronunciation: hikiniku
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ҂
keyword: meat
translation: minced meat
ғ: hikinikuki: meat chopper [grinder] <<<

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