Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38
Direct access: 顔面 , 雁擬き , 含有 , 議員 , 議会 , 義兄 , 技師 , 儀式 , 偽書 , 疑心


pronunciation: ganmen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: face
顔面の: ganmennno: facial
顔面神経: ganmenshinkei: facial nerve <<< 神経
顔面神経痛: ganmenshinkeitsuu: facial neuralgia, face-ache <<<


pronunciation: ganmodoki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japanese food
translation: fried tofu mixed with chopped vegetables
related words: 豆腐


pronunciation: gannyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry
translation: contents
含有量: gannyuuryou <<<
含有する: gannyuusuru: contain, have, hold


pronunciation: giin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: parliament member, municipal [city, town] councillor
議員席: giinseki: parliamentary seat <<<
議員団: giindan: parliamentary delegation <<<
議員特権: giintokken: parliamentary immunity <<< 特権
議員候補: giinkouho: parliamentary candidate <<< 候補
議員立法: giinrippou: parliamentary act <<< 立法
議員投票: giintouhyou: floor vote, parliamentary vote <<< 投票
代議員: daigiin: delegate, representative <<<
国会議員: kokkaigiin: member of parliament <<< 国会
タレント議員: tarentogiin: celebrity-turned Diet member <<< タレント


pronunciation: gikai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , town
translation: parliament, congress, diet
議会の: gikaino: parliamentary
議会を召集する: gikaioshoushuusuru: convoke the Diet [assembly, parliament]
議会を解散する: gikaiokaisansuru: dissolve the Diet [assembly, parliament] <<< 解散
議会政治: gikaiseiji: parliamentary government <<< 政治
議会制度: gikaiseido: parliamentary system <<< 制度
議会主義: gikaishugi: parliamentarism <<< 主義
州議会: shuugikai: state assembly [parliament] <<<
県議会: kengikai: prefectural assembly (in Japan) <<<
都議会: togikai: Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly <<<
市議会: shigikai: municipal [city] assembly <<<
町議会: chougikai: municipal [town] assembly <<<
村議会: songikai: municipal [village] assembly <<<
連邦議会: renpougikai: federal parliament, Bundestag (in Germany) <<< 連邦
欧州議会: oushuugikai: European Parliament <<< 欧州
地方議会: chihougikai: local assembly <<< 地方
ヨーロッパ議会: yooroppagikai: European Parliament <<< ヨーロッパ
related words: 国会


pronunciation: gikei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: (elder) brother-in-law
antonyms: 義弟


pronunciation: gishi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology
translation: engineer, technologist
技師長: gishichou: chief engineer <<<
機械技師: kikaigishi: mechanical engineer <<< 機械
顧問技師: komongishi: consulting engineer <<< 顧問
鉱山技師: kouzangishi: mining engineer <<< 鉱山
無線技師: musengishi: radio [wireless] operator <<< 無線
土木技師: dobokugishi: civil engineer <<< 土木
撮影技師: satsueigishi: film operator, cameraperson, cameraman <<< 撮影
建築技師: kenchikugishi: architect <<< 建築
測量技師: sokuryougishi: surveying engineer <<< 測量
電気技師: denkigishi: electrical engineer, electrician <<< 電気
映写技師: eishagishi: movie operator <<< 映写
主任技師: shuningishi: chief engineer <<< 主任
造船技師: zousengishi: naval [marine] engineer <<< 造船
レントゲン技師: rentogengishi: radiographer <<< レントゲン


pronunciation: gishiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: ceremony, ritual (n.)
儀式の: gishikino: ceremonial, ritual (a.)
儀式を行う: gishikiookonau: hold a ceremony <<<
儀式を司る: gishikiotsukasadoru <<<
儀式張る: gishikibaru: stand on ceremony, be formal [ceremonious, solemn] <<<
儀式張った: gishikibatta: formal, ceremonious, solemn
儀式張らぬ: gishikibaranu: informal
儀式張らずに: gishikibarazuni: without ceremony [formality]


pronunciation: gisho
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: forged writing


pronunciation: gishin
kanji characters: ,
translation: doubt, suspicion
疑心暗鬼: gishinnanki: suspicion will raise bogies, 'once you suspect something, everything else will look suspicious', jumping at shadows
疑心暗鬼を生ず: gishinnankioshouzu: Suspicion begets fears
疑心暗鬼を生む: gishinnankioumu

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