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Direct access: 餃子 , 業者 , 業種 , 行商 , 行事 , 行水 , 行政 , 業績 , 仰天 , 業務


pronunciation: gyouza
kanji characters:
other spells: ギョーザ
keyword: food
translation: (Chinese) meat dumpling


pronunciation: gyousha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: trader, dealer
鉄鋼業者: tekkougyousha: steel maker <<< 鉄鋼
旅行業者: ryokougyousha: travel agent <<< 旅行
加工業者: kakougyousha: processor <<< 加工
缶詰業者: kanZumegyousha: canner, packer, tinner <<< 缶詰
悪徳業者: akutokugyousha: wicked [dishonest] traders [dealers] <<< 悪徳
広告業者: koukokugyousha: publicity [advertising] agent <<< 広告
建築業者: kenchikugyousha: builder, building contractor <<< 建築
運送業者: unsougyousha: express [forwarding] agent <<< 運送
香水業者: kousuigyousha: perfumer <<< 香水
密輸業者: mitsuyugyousha: smuggling company <<< 密輸
輸出業者: yushutsugyousha: exporter, export trader <<< 輸出
輸入業者: yunyuugyousha: importer <<< 輸入
卸売業者: oroshiurigyousha: wholesaler, distributor <<< 卸売
倉庫業者: soukogyousha: warehouseman <<< 倉庫
納入業者: nounyuugyousha: supplier <<< 納入
製菓業者: seikagyousha: confectioner <<< 製菓
解体業者: kaitaigyousha: cannibalizer, wrecker <<< 解体
保険業者: hokengyousha: insurer, underwriter <<< 保険
牡蠣養殖業者: kakiyoushokugyousha: oysterfarmer, oysterman <<< 牡蠣
土建業者: dokengyousha: construction contractor <<< 土建
下請業者: shitaukegyousha: subcontractor <<< 下請
貿易業者: bouekigyousha: trader <<< 貿易
証券業者: shoukengyousha: securities broker, stock dealer <<< 証券
不動産業者: hudousangyousha: real estate agent, realtor <<< 不動産
金融業者: kinnyuugyousha: financier, moneylender <<< 金融
不正業者: huseigyousha: (illegal) trafficker <<< 不正
ホテル業者: hoterugyousha: hotelman <<< ホテル
synonyms: 商人


pronunciation: gyoushu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business , industry
translation: type of business
業種別にする: gyoushubetsunisuru: classify by industry <<<


pronunciation: gyoushou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: peddling
行商する: gyoushousuru: peddle, hawk
行商人: gyoushounin: peddler, hawker, vendor <<<


pronunciation: gyouji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fest
translation: (annual) event, occasion
行事表: gyoujihyou: annual schedule <<<
行事予定表: gyoujiyoteihyou
年中行事: nenjuugyouji: annual functions [events] <<< 年中
related words:


pronunciation: gyouzui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: hygiene
translation: bath tub
行水をする: gyouzuiosuru: have [take] a bath tub


pronunciation: gyousei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , administration
translation: administration, government
行政の: gyouseino: administrative, executive
行政部: gyouseibu: executive (department), administration <<<
行政法: gyouseihou: administrative law <<<
行政権: gyouseiken: government authority <<<
行政官: gyouseikan: administrator, commissioner <<<
行政官庁: gyouseikanchou: administrative organ [body] <<< 官庁
行政機関: gyouseikikan <<< 機関
行政改革: gyouseikaikaku: administrative reform <<< 改革
行政整理: gyouseiseiri: administrative readjustment <<< 整理
行政指導: gyouseishidou: administrative guidance <<< 指導
行政区画: gyouseikukaku: administrative district
行政区分: gyouseikubun <<< 区分
行政命令: gyouseimeirei: executive order <<< 命令
行政処分: gyouseishobun: administrative disposition <<< 処分
行政訴訟: gyouseisoshou: administrative litigation <<< 訴訟
河川行政: kasengyousei: river administration <<< 河川
都市行政: toshigyousei: city administration <<< 都市
司法行政: shihougyousei: judicial administration <<< 司法
地方行政: chihougyousei: local administration <<< 地方
人事行政: jinjigyousei: personnel administration <<< 人事
森林行政: shinringyousei: forest [forestry] administration <<< 森林
衛生行政: eiseigyousei: sanitary administration, sanitary authorities <<< 衛生


pronunciation: gyouseki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: achievements, results
業績を上げる: gyousekioageru: produce achievements, bring about remarkable results <<<


pronunciation: gyouten
kanji characters: ,
translation: astonishment, amazement
仰天する: gyoutensuru: be astonished [amazed, astounded], flabbergast
仰天させる: gyoutensaseru: astonish, amaze, astound, startling
related words: 驚愕 , 狼狽


pronunciation: gyoumu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: business (n.), affairs, duties
業務に励む: gyoumunihagemu: attend to one's business, work hard at one's business <<<
業務に勤しむ: gyoumuniisoshimu <<<
業務を怠る: gyoumuookotaru: neglect one's business <<<
業務用: gyoumuyou: for business use <<<
業務上: gyoumujou: professional, business (a.) <<<
業務上過失: gyoumujoukashitsu: business negligence, professional blunder <<< 過失
業務上過失致死: gyoumujoukashitsuchishi: corporate manslaughter <<< 致死
業務拡張: gyoumukakuchou: extension of business <<< 拡張
業務提携: gyoumuteikei: business tie-up [collaboration] <<< 提携
業務規則: gyoumukisoku: rules of operation [procedure] <<< 規則
業務報告: gyoumuhoukoku: business report <<< 報告
業務管理: gyoumukanri: business management <<< 管理
業務管理者: gyoumukanrisha: manager, chief executive <<<
業務時間: gyoumujikan: office [business] hours <<< 時間
業務命令: gyoumumeirei: business order <<< 命令
清掃業務: seisougyoumu: cleaning service <<< 清掃
日常業務: nichijougyoumu: daily business <<< 日常
管理業務: kanrigyoumu: administration (of an office) <<< 管理
信託業務: shintakugyoumu: trust transaction <<< 信託
related words: 営業 , 仕事

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