Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38
Direct access: 行列 , 魚介 , 漁業 , 御者 , 漁場 , 魚雷 , 義理 , 儀礼 , 議論 , 疑惑


pronunciation: gyouretsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics , fest
translation: procession, parade (n.), queue (n.), matrix
行列する: gyouretsusuru: parade (v.), queue (v.)
行列を乱す: gyouretsuomidasu: obstruct a parade, disregard the queue <<<
行列式: gyouretsushiki: determinant <<<
行列計算: gyouretsukeisan: matrix calculus <<< 計算
車の行列: kurumanogyouretsu: motorcade, line [queue] of cars <<< , 車列
旗行列: hatagyouretsu: flag procession <<<
単位行列: tannigyouretsu: unit matrix <<< 単位
仮装行列: kasougyouretsu: costume parade <<< 仮装
大名行列: daimyougyouretsu: procession of feudal lord <<< 大名
松明行列: taimatsugyouretsu: torchlight procession <<< 松明
提灯行列: chouchingyouretsu: lantern procession <<< 提灯
騎馬行列: kibagyouretsu: cavalcade <<< 騎馬
related words: パレード


pronunciation: gyokai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fish
translation: marine products, fish and shellfishes
魚介類: gyokairui <<<


pronunciation: gyogyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: industry , fish
translation: fishery, fishing
漁業権: gyogyouken: fishery [fishing] right <<<
漁業組合: gyogyoukumiai: fishermen's union [association] <<< 組合
漁業会社: gyogyougaisha: fishery [fishing] company <<< 会社
公海漁業: koukaigyogyou: high-sea fishery <<< 公海
遠洋漁業: ennyougyogyou: deep-sea [pelagic] fishery <<< 遠洋
沿岸漁業: engangyogyou: coastal fishery <<< 沿岸
近海漁業: kinkaigyogyou: inshore fishery <<< 近海
深海漁業: shinkaigyogyou: deep-sea fishing <<< 深海
沿海漁業: enkaigyogyou: coastal [in-shore] fishery <<< 沿海


pronunciation: gyosha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: driver, coachman
御者台: gyoshadai: driver's seat [box] <<<


pronunciation: gyojou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fish
translation: fishing ground, fishery


pronunciation: gyorai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weapon
translation: torpedo (n.)
魚雷艇: gyoraitei: torpedo boat <<<
魚雷管: gyoraikan: torpedo launcher <<<
魚雷を発射する: gyoraiohasshasuru: launch a torpedo <<< 発射
魚雷攻撃: gyoraikougeki: torpedoing <<< 攻撃
魚雷攻撃する: gyoraikougekisuru: torpedo (v.)


pronunciation: giri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: obligation, duty, justice
義理堅い: girigatai: having a strong sense of duty, faithful, conscientious <<<
義理を欠く: giriokaku: having no sense of duty, ungrateful, thankless <<<
義理を立てる: giriotateru: do one's duty (by a friend) <<<
義理の娘: girinomusume: daughter-in-law, stepdaughter <<<
義理の息子: girinomusuko: son-in-law, stepson <<< 息子
義理の姉妹: girinoshimai: sister-in-law, stepsister <<< 姉妹
義理の兄弟: girinokyoudai: brother-in-law, stepbrother <<< 兄弟 , 義兄 , 義弟
義理の母: girinohaha: mother-in-law, stepmother <<< ,
義理の母親: girinohahaoya <<< 母親
義理の父: girinochichi: father-in-law, stepfather <<< ,
義理の父親: girinochichioya <<< 父親


pronunciation: girei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: greeting
translation: protocol, courtesy
儀礼的: gireiteki: formal <<<
儀礼的訪問: gireitekihoumon: formal [courtesy] call <<< 訪問
外交儀礼: gaikougirei: protocol <<< 外交


pronunciation: giron
kanji characters: ,
translation: argument, discussion, debate (n.), dispute, controversy
議論する: gironsuru: argue (with a person about a matter), discuss (a matter), debate (on), dispute (about, on), contend (about)
議論好きな: gironzukina: argumentative, disputatious <<<
議論に勝つ: gironnnikatsu: have [get] the best of an argument, outargue (a person) <<<
議論に負ける: gironnnimakeru: be defeated in argument, have [get] the worst of an argument <<<
議論の余地が無い: gironnnoyochiganai: It admits of no discussion, It is beyond dispute [question]
活発な議論: kappatsunagiron: animated discussion <<< 活発
活発に議論する: kappatsunigironsuru: actively discuss <<< 活発
related words: 審議


pronunciation: giwaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: doubt, suspicion
疑惑を抱く: giwakuoidaku: have a doubt, harbor a suspicion <<<
疑惑を招く: giwakuomaneku: excite [arouse] suspicions <<<
疑惑を解く: giwakuotoku: dispel person's suspicions <<<

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