Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38
Direct access: R , Qn , } , | , |p , |l , |\ , | , O ,


pronunciation: gunpuku
kanji characters: R ,
keyword: war , clothes
translation: military uniform, battle dress
related words: jz[ ,


pronunciation: gunma
kanji characters: Q , n
keyword: japan
translation: Gunma
Qn: gunmaken: Prefecture of Gunma <<<
related words:


pronunciation: geigeki
kanji characters: } ,
keyword: war , airplane
translation: interception
}: geigekisuru: intercept
}퓬@: geigekisentouki: interceptor


pronunciation: geisha
kanji characters: | ,
keyword: show , amusement
translation: geisha
|ҏ: geishaagari: ex-geisha <<<
|҉: geishaya: geisha house <<<
related words:


pronunciation: geijutsu
kanji characters: | , p
keyword: art
translation: art
|p: geijutsuka: artist <<< , A[eBXg
|pI: geijutsuteki: artistic <<< I
|p: geijutsusai: arts festival <<<
|p@: geijutsuin: academy of arts, art college <<< @
|pE: geijutsukai: artistic circles <<< E
|pi: geijutsuhin: art work <<< i
|pi: geijutsusakuhin <<< i
|pʐ^: geijutsushashin: artistic photograph <<< ʐ^
|p: higeijutsu: inartistic <<<
TO|p: gainengeijutsu: conceptual art <<< TO
n|p: genshigeijutsu: primitive [prehistoric] art <<< n
_|p: noumingeijutsu: peasant art <<< _
Ԍ|p: kuukangeijutsu: space art <<<
|p: sougougeijutsu: composite art <<<
G|p: kaigageijutsu: painting art <<< G
y|p: kyoudogeijutsu: provincial art <<< y
ی|p: chuushougeijutsu: abstract art <<<
O|p: minshuugeijutsu: folk art <<< O
O|p: taishuugeijutsu: popular [folk] art <<< O
f|p: eigageijutsu: movie art <<< f
Oq|p: zenneigeijutsu: avant-garde art <<< Oq
o|p: shikakugeijutsu: visual arts <<< o
synonyms: A[g


pronunciation: geinin
kanji characters: | , l
keyword: show
translation: artist, (public) performer, entertainer
|l: geininkonjou: artist's spirit <<<
T[JX̌|l: saakasunogeinin: circus performer <<< T[JX


pronunciation: geinou
kanji characters: | , \
keyword: show
translation: entertainment
|\l: geinoujin: entertainer <<< l , |l
|\E: geinoukai: show business <<< E
|\: geinoukai: theater of amateurs <<<
related words: G^


pronunciation: geimei
kanji characters: | ,
keyword: show
translation: stage name


pronunciation: geka
kanji characters: O ,
keyword: medicine
translation: surgery, surgical department
OȈ: gekai: surgeon <<<
OȓI: gekateki: surgical <<< I
OȎ: gekashitsu: operating room <<<
Oȕa@: gekabyouin: surgery <<< a@
OȈ@: gekaiin <<< @
OȎp: gakashujutsu: surgical operation <<< p
O: naizougeka: internal surgery <<<
`O: keiseigeka: plastic surgery <<< `
`O: seikeigeka: orthopedic surgery, orthopedics <<< `
`OȂ: seikeigekano: orthopedic <<< `
SO: shinzougeka: heart surgery, cardiosurgery <<< S
related words:

pronunciation: gekika
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: intensification, aggravation
: gekikasuru: intensify, aggravate

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