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Direct access: 外灯 , 街灯 , 外套 , 該当 , 街頭 , 概念 , 外泊 , 外部 , 外壁 , 外務


pronunciation: gaitou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: outdoor lamp
related words: 街灯


pronunciation: gaitou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: street lamp
related words: 外灯


pronunciation: gaitou
kanji characters:
keyword: clothes
translation: overcoat, greatcoat
外套掛け: gaitoukake: overcoat rack <<<
毛皮外套: kegawagaitou: fur coat <<< 毛皮
防水外套: bausuigaitou: waterproof coat, mackintosh <<< 防水
related words: オーバー


pronunciation: gaitou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law
translation: application, correspondence
該当する: gaitousuru: fall [come] under, be applicable to, correspond to
該当事項: gaitoujikou: pertinent data, concerning article <<< 事項
該当条項: gaitoujoukou
related words: 相当 , 適用 , 関係


pronunciation: gaitou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: street
街頭で: gaitoude: on the street, in the street
街頭演説: gaitouenzetsu: street oratory, wayside speech <<< 演説
街頭募金: gaitoubokin: street fund-raising <<< 募金
街頭商人: gaitoushounin: street trader [vendor] <<< 商人
街頭販売: gaitouhanbai: street sale <<< 販売
街頭宣伝: gaitousenden: street propaganda <<< 宣伝
街頭録音: gaitourokuon: street-corner recording <<< 録音
街頭芸術家: gaitougeijutsuka: street artist
synonyms: , ストリート


pronunciation: gainen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: literature
translation: conception, concept, notion, general idea
概念を得る: gainennoeru: have a general idea of <<<
概念的: gainenteki: conceptual, notional <<<
概念論: gainenron: conceptualism <<<
概念化: gainenka: generalization, conceptualization <<<
概念化する: gainenkasuru: conceptualize
概念図: gainenzu: synopsis <<< , スケッチ
概念芸術: gainengeijutsu: conceptual art <<< 芸術
構成概念: kouseigainen: construct <<< 構成
根本概念: konpongainen: basic concept, fundamental idea <<< 根本
既成概念: kiseigainen: accepted ideas <<< 既成
強迫概念: kyouhakugainen: obsession, (persecution) complex <<< 強迫
恐怖概念: kyouhugainen: fear complex <<< 恐怖
固定概念: koteigainen: fixed idea, complex <<< 固定
related words: コンセプト


pronunciation: gaihaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: stopping-out
外泊する: gaihakusuru: stop [stay, sleep] out (overnight)


pronunciation: gaibu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: outside (n.), external (n.), outward (n.)
外部の: gaibuno: outside (a.), external (a.), outward (a.)
外部で: gaibude: outside (adv.), externally
外部の人: gaibunohito: outsider <<<
外部に漏らす: gaibunimorasu: leak out, reveal <<<
外部監査: gaibukansa: external audit <<< 監査
外部犯行: gaibuhankou: crime committed by an outsider <<< 犯行
related words: 内部


pronunciation: gaiheki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: outer wall


pronunciation: gaimu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: foreign affairs
外務省: gaimushou: Ministry of foreign affairs, Foreign office <<<
外務大臣: gaimudaijin: Minister for foreign affairs, Foreign Minister <<< 大臣 , 外相
外務次官: gaimujikan: Vice-Minister for foreign affairs <<< 次官
外務委員会: gaimuiinkai: committee for foreign affairs
related words: 外交

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